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The Strategic Council of Scholars is formed under the chairmanship of the President.

The head of the parliament's research and technology committee announced the formation of a strategic council of knowledge-based people, chaired by President Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Reisi.

Esfandiar Ekhtiari, Chairman of the Research and Technology Committee of the Parliament, said about the latest status of the knowledge-based production boost plan: The generalities of the knowledge-based production leap plan were approved by the parliament in the first session and approved by the Education, Research and Technology Commission in 20 articles in the second session, and are being finalized to be on the public agenda.

 The representative of the Zoroastrian people in the Islamic Consultative Assembly stated about the necessity of compiling this plan: Considering the expansion of knowledge-based companies and the needs created for this economic pillar of the country, to solve problems in this issue and especially to update the law for the protection of knowledge-based companies, which was approved in 2010, this plan has been developed and presented. .

Reducing the involvement of knowledge-based companies with administrative bureaucracy

He added: "In this plan, the required legal protections, which are not mentioned in the law or in that law, were difficult to interpret, are clearly stated." At the same time, the structures have been changed so that knowledge-based companies have less involvement with the bureaucracy and supporting the knowledge-based economy is one of the duties of the government cabinet.

Government staff are required to work with knowledge-based companies

The representative of the people in the 11th parliament, in response to the question whether the approval of this plan will change the structure of the government or not, said: The structure of government has not changed, but the duties of some cabinet members have changed, and the inclusion of knowledge-based economic issues has become more prominent in these duties. This has been an important need of the country, and the executive body of the country should also cooperate with this economic pillar with a special look.

The Knowledge-Based Steering Council will be chaired by the President

Ekhtiari said that with the approval of this plan, a new council called the Knowledge-Based Steering Council will be formed, chaired by the president, secretary and vice-president of the vice president of science and technology. The council, which includes several ministers in addition to the president and vice president of science and technology, has defined a number of tasks, the most important of which is to develop the executive plans that knowledge-based companies need. In other words, except for policy-making for these companies, which is in the hands of the High Council for Science, Research and Technology, all other matters and coordination related to knowledge-based economy within the framework of the law are among the duties of this council.

Increasing the credit of three thousand billion Tomans of Innovation and Prosperity Fund 

The head of the Research and Technology Committee of the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Research and Technology, in response to the question whether a new task has been assigned to the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, said: In this law, 30,000 billion rials have been added to the fund's capital, and legal materials have been provided for the cooperation of different sectors of the country's capital market with this fund.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 78050

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