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  • Jun 14 2021 - 14:43
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Oil Industry Innovation and Technology Park opened; Sattari: The oil industry becomes an independent innovation and technology with its ecosystem / Zanganeh: Supporting knowledge-based companies in the oil field should have been done sooner

In the presence of the Vice President of Science and Technology and the Minister of Petroleum, the Petroleum Innovation and Technology Park was opened to meet the needs of this industry with domestic technological capabilities and Made in Iran products.

Oil Industry Technology and Innovation Park has been established with the aim of developing the knowledge-based market, creating specialized employment and creating a competitive environment for oil and gas technology activists in 32 hectares by providing material and spiritual support to innovation activists in this field.

This technology innovation park creates a quality space for establishing and synergizing professionals between knowledge-based and creative companies, innovation and technology centers, specialized representatives of research, technology and academic institutions, growth centers and accelerators, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, open innovation brokers, consultants and industry expert.

Referring to the role of private sector innovation in transforming industries and creating innovative products, Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, said at the opening ceremony of the Oil Industry Technology and Innovation Park: "In the early twentieth century, many countries tried to build airplanes. Spent in support of aircraft construction. But the results were unsuccessful, and even an article was published that it would not be possible to build an airplane for the next hundred years. But less than a month after the article was published, the Wright brothers, who were cyclists, succeeded in building and testing the first prototype aircraft.

The Vice President of Science and Technology spoke about the need to reform approaches and intellectual backgrounds on government research and continued: "What has become efficient and transformative in the world is private sector investment and spending in the field of research, research and development and innovation."

The head of the culture and knowledge-based economy considered the necessity of private sector investment to come to the fore and the existence of an ecological environment for activity without worries and motivation in the field of technology and innovation.

The Vice President of Science and Technology continued: "Technology and Innovation Park provides this opportunity and allows the private sector to invest consciously and enthusiastically in the field of innovation, and brings far more added value than investing in other areas."

 Sattari said that we are taking steps to reduce the risk of private sector investment by supporting technology parks, research and technology funds and other financial support models. "We should not forget that the product is provided by private sector investment and the government to lead the research; In this way, technology parks, while accepting the risk of investments, provide the ground for the connection between innovation and the market.

 In another part of the ceremony, Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, Minister of Oil, emphasized that creating an innovation and technology park for the oil industry was an important step that should have been done sooner: Supporting knowledge-based companies and startups should have been done much more seriously and quickly Technology and innovation should have been built at least 3 years earlier than now. Fortunately, this process has begun, and we will see the development of knowledge-based companies and startups until the completion of the oil technology cycle.

 The Vice President of Science and Technology, stating that we have developed countless innovation centers in the country to provide these facilities to the activists of innovation and technology, added: "However, more important than the infrastructure facilities, a suitable ecosystem for activities and their guidance." Serious efforts have been made in this regard and we hope that it will continue more rapidly with the support and cooperation of different sectors.

 Supporting technology units in the pre-growth and development stages through networking and clustering with innovation centers and satellite campuses, interaction with all existing innovation centers and accelerators is one of the approaches of this technology and innovation park.

Acceptance, creation of satellite networks of innovation and commercialization centers is one of the approaches of the Oil Industry Technology and Innovation Park to turn innovative ideas into Iranian knowledge-based products, manufacturing and technological services.

Accordingly, the Simorgh Innovation Center and the Phoenix Innovation Center were established from the satellite sections and subdivisions of the Oil Industry Innovation and Technology Park to provide the ground for the establishment of young entrepreneurs.

 Ali Agha Mohammadi, Head of the Economic Group of the Supreme Leader's Office, also said that the self-sufficiency of the important oil industry has been fully covered, adding: "With the change of technologies and the arrival of innovations, the synchronization of the country's oil industry required serious efforts New competitors in production is another challenge in continuing the industry. While consumption is declining, a new approach must be taken.

 Cooperation agreements between the oil industry and innovation and oil industry centers in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology, the Minister of Oil, the Head of the Economic Group of the Office of the Supreme Leader, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, the Head of the Oil Industry Innovation and Technology Park. Signature received

These agreements are related to awarding technological grants to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, establishing a joint campus with Isfahan Science and Research Town, establishing a joint growth center in Shiraz University of Technology, establishing a joint innovation center with the University of Science and Technology, establishing a joint innovation center with the university Amirkabir Industrial was hosted by the Oil Industry Innovation and Technology Park.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 76640

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