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Karami: The intellectual property rights for knowledge-based and creative products are conducted with the help of the parliament; Eco-innovation activists created a turnover of 180,000 billion tomans

The Secretary of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters said at the exhibition of national macro-projects and social innovations in the field of rehabilitation, attended by Amir Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, President of the Martyrs and Veterans Affairs Foundation, and Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology. Knowledge-based and creative people are pursued in the technological headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, and this could be done more legally with the help of the Islamic Consultative Assembly.

Parviz Karami, Secretary of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters, in the exhibition of presenting the achievements in the field of rehabilitation of the National Center for Macro-Projects of Science and Technology, presented a report on the activities in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology: One of the most important efforts in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology during these years was the development of the technology and innovation ecosystem in the country. This ecosystem started from the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and has achieved recent successes with the help of universities, technology parks, innovation factories, creative and innovation houses and, most importantly, its specialized and active human resources.

Karami added: "Iran, with the support by a huge capacity of knowledge and specialized manpower in the country, was able to answer to its technological needs and challenges, especially during the oppressive sanctions." This was done using internal power and relying on the expertise of knowledge-based and creative companies.

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology, noting that today is the largest technology and innovation ecosystem in the region in Iran, said: In this ecosystem, create a basis for the growth of knowledge-based and creative companies and define a financing system for these companies.

The head of the executive staff of the document for the development of soft technologies and the development of creative industries continued: In this ecosystem, 6,300 knowledge-based companies, 1,400 creative companies and 350,000 direct and indirect jobs have been created for university graduates.  Also, 180,000 billion tomans are the turnover of this ecosystem. With the help of this existing capacity, we were able to encourage more than 2,000 people who migrated from the country to return.

Karami added: "One of the efforts in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology for these companies is domestic and international marketing." In other words, in addition to creating a domestic market, we try to bring products with the export capacity to global markets with the help of Iranian innovation houses and technology exports made in other countries. Currently, these houses have been set up in China, Armenia, Kenya, Iraq, Syria and Oman.

The head of the department of Vice Presidency for Science and Technology also said: One of the efforts of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is to use private-sector funds to implement technological projects to attract the capital of this sector to the field of knowledge and technology.

The Secretary of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters, referring to the Iran-made exhibition, said: Another notable action of the Vice President for Science and Technology is holding an exhibition of Iran-made laboratory equipment, which is used by the public sector such as universities, education, research institutes, etc. The private sector is a manufacturer and producer, and the vice presidency of science and technology is a policy-maker and facilitator in this field.

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology, referring to the creation of innovation zones in the country, continued: Innovation zones in the country have been formed with the support of the Vice President for Science and Technology. The first was Sharif University's Innovation Zone, which hosts 500 knowledge-based and creative companies. At present, there is 1 million square meters of innovation space in the country, which is distributed throughout the country. The area of the campus innovation area, which is becoming a campus city, has reached one thousand hectares.

Karami added: 3 main approaches are followed in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology. Supporting production, marketing and sales, branding and internalization of products, and supporting production equipment and creating a complete value chain are the areas we strive to complete.

The head of the executive staff of the Soft Technologies Development and Creative Industries Development Document considered the entry of the Martyr and Veterans Affairs Organization into the field of rehabilitation equipment marketing necessary and said: "This institution can effectively help develop the market for these products Provide creativity and invest and participate in production through its economic sector.

Karami also stated: The formation of a joint committee between the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Organization of the Martyr and Veterans Affairs Foundation is necessary for the production and development of the market of rehabilitation products. This helps to reduce costs and improve the quality of products while meeting the needs of the foundation.


After measuring the market elasticity, we support technological projects

Peyman Salehi, Vice for Innovation and Commercialization in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, also stated in this meeting that the existence of a market is one of the necessities for the implementation of national macro-technology projects. Before starting any of the projects, the Vice President for Science and Technology first assesses their market and then takes action to support them. That is, we first measure the market pull and then support the entry plan.

He added: The Vice Presidency of Science and Technology supports material and spiritual macro-national technology projects. The end of the national master plan is when its standards are met.

Salehi continued: "Currently, 150 major national technology projects have been implemented in the country, and these projects have brought 2,000 billion tomans of added value to the country." The Vice President for Science and Technology is also leveraging his financial resources to implement these projects in order to attract public and private budgets.

The Vice for Innovation and Commercialization in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology added: "Knowledge-based and creative companies meet the needs well and have the ability to produce all the equipment needed by the country." For example, at the beginning of the outbreak of coronary heart disease, no company in the country produced masks, but in the ecology of technology and innovation, this happened and the country became self-sufficient in terms of mask production. He also stated: "Iran-made laboratory equipment exhibition is another model of our support for the development of domestic products, with which the Shahid Foundation can also cooperate with the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology."

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 79087

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