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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Jun 24 2020 - 14:32
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Infographic: Watching with Your Mind

The eyes see and the mind creates; the magic of elimination of the boundary between illusion and reality. The virtual reality is an effort to remove boundaries between the real and virtual space. New technology that introduces the user to the simulated computer space and allows them to communicate live with the environment virtually.

There is a hot market for virtual reality these days. This technology has commercial and personal applications. Images that can only be seen through glasses designed based on virtual reality technology. The market for this complicated technology is expected to reach $15 billion in the world. Therefore, the digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter has facilitate the path by supporting the innovation and technology ecosystem activists so that technological measures could be used for product development. With these measures, effective steps have been taken to expand the market for virtual reality products.

The use of this amusing and complicated technology in Iran dates back to 2017, when Tabriz Islamic Art University established the discipline of multimedia (orientation of virtual reality) in Iran and the Middle East for the first time.

The infographic shows the ecosystem of virtual reality innovation and technology ecosystem in Iran and the world:


A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

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  • News code : 68249

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