The Festival of Medical Plants, Natural Products, and Iranian Medicine Will Be Opened Tomorrow
The Festival of Medical Plants, Natural Products, and Iranian Medicine Will Be Opened Tomorrow

The fourth national festival of medical plants, natural products, and Iranian medicine will be inaugurated on November 11th 2018 in Musala of Tehran.
According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the fourth national festival of medical plants, natural products, and Iranian medicine will be held November 11th-14th, 2018 in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and some author state authorities, technologists and activists in the field of medicinal plants and Iranian medicine of the country.
This round of the event will be held to realize the support of Iranian products, build the culture of knowledge-based economy and support domestic financial and spiritual assets in line with self-reliance, job creation and maximum use of the domestic abilities and productions in the field of medical plants and traditional medicine. In addition, thousands of technological products will be presented in this festival to showcase the capabilities of domestic activists.
The fourth national festival of medical plants, natural products, and Iranian medicine will cover the topics of the seed industry and the reproductive organs of medicinal herbs, copywriting and publication of works related to medicinal herbs and traditional medicine, training and education in the field of medicinal plants and traditional medicine, herbs distribution network and herbal medicines, traditional medicine and relevant products and herbal beverages.
Other topics of this event are technology and technology transfer brokerages, medicines and herbal supplements (human-animal), natural products (essential oils and extracts), natural products (cosmetics), natural products (honey, rose water and distillates), natural products (food-medicine and herbal drinks), equipment and machinery dedicated to the herbal medicine industry, new technologies in the cultivation and processing of organic products and herbs.
The fourth national festival and exhibition of medical plants, natural products and Iranian medicine (traditional) will be held November 11th-14th 2018 in Musala of Tehran by the efforts of the medicinal plants and traditional medicine sciences and technologies development headquarter.