  • Oct 19 2017 - 14:50
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Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs:

Scientific cooperation with Uzbekistan will be expanded.

Scientific cooperation with Uzbekistan will be expanded.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs stated on a meeting with the Uzbek delegation: proper conditions must be provided to increase academic cooperation between Iran and Uzbekistan.

Pointing out the technological activities of Iran over the past few years, Sattari affirmed: many knowledge-based companies in various areas of nanotechnology, biotechnology, stem cells, and ICT are active in Iran.

Sattari also expressed: some Iranian knowledge-based companies are recognized as the largest companies in the region.

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, more than 40 technology parks have been formed in Iran, which are suitable foundations for joint cooperation of Iran and Uzbekistan.

Sattari continued: in any scientific field that Iran has made advancements, we can create the necessary infrastructures for joint cooperation of Iran and Uzbekistan.

Regarding the formation of joint technology committees between Iran and other countries, Sattari conveyed: we have aimed to establish joint technology committees with other countries to develop our international collaborations in technologies fields. In this regard, the committee of Russia and China are some of the most active committees.

Sattari also mentioned: in addition, academic collaborations and joint academic projects are extended and defined in these committees.

According to Sattari, scientific joint cooperation is another achievement of these committees.

Pointing out the oil and gas assets of Uzbekistan, Sattari stated: Iran and Uzbekistan can cooperate in the area of oil, gas and required technologies of this field.

The vice president for science and technology affairs offered the visit of Asaluyeh region by an Uzbek delegation, expressing: I recommend that the Asaluyeh area, which is the largest gas field of the world, be visited by an Uzbek delegation to learn about the technological advancements of Iran in the area of oil and gas in person.

Sattari added: the country of Uzbekistan can benefit from the experiences of Iran in CNG area and use this technology due to having large gas fields.

In another part of his speech, Sattari marked: despite mutual historical and emotional similarities between Iran and Uzbekistan, there is no accurate knowledge about Uzbek people, which can be created by the governments of the two countries. In this regard, one of the best methods is to develop academic cooperation to increase relations between the two countries.

Addressing the Uzbek delegation, the vice president for science and technology affairs affirmed: we can provide a suitable condition for visit of Asaluyeh, as well as research centers and universities of Iran by an Uzbek delegation, so that the foundations for defining joint projects between the two countries is laid.

He also expressed: Iran has obtained self-efficiency in many oil and gas technologies, which can be provided for Uzbekistan.

Sattari believes that the Uzbek delegation must visit the science and technology infrastructures of Iran before the establishment of a joint committee between this country and Iran to pave the way of defining joint projects.

Creation of a New Page in Relations of Iran and Uzbekistan Is Essential

Kamilov Abdulaziz Khafizovich. minister of foreign affairs of Uzbekistan, stated: meetings will be held according to the signed agreements between the presidents of the two countries in order to open a new page in the relations of the two countries.

He added: the two countries have various joint benefits on a regional and international level. The president of Iran will soon travel to Uzbekistan.

Minister of foreign affairs of Uzbekistan also expressed: we hope that these meetings lead to better cooperation and activities between the two countries.

According to Kamilov, special attention has been paid to the development of business, economic, scientific and technology relationships of Iran and Uzbekistan. Therefore, the joint committee between Iran and Uzbekistan will soon be established.

He continued: Uzbekistan asks for help from Iran to develop academic cooperation and training of specialized and skilled engineers due to positive results obtained by Iran in the area of business.

Pointing out the similarities between Iran and Uzbekistan, the minister of foreign affairs of Uzbekistan stated: Iran and Uzbekistan have mutual region, traditions, history, experiences and even mentality, which must be properly applied.

Kamilov also pointed out: before dissolution of the Soviet Union, Uzbekistan was the center of science and knowledge, and have trained prominent scientists over the years. However, this focus on science and technology was destroyed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Pointing out that 50 scientific institutes were active in the scientific academy of Russia, he stated: after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, many institutes were shared between different countries. However, the scientific capacity of Uzbekistan is still high and many experts stayed in the country.

Minister of foreign affairs of Uzbekistan regarded turning basic sciences into practical sciences as the most important achievement of the government, affirming: this is not a simple process, and we a difficult path to cross.

Moreover, Kamilov introduced maintaining experts and engineers of Uzbekistan as one of the major concerns of the government, stating that the experiences of Iran will be used in this area.

According to Kamilov, training skilled personnel is one of the needs of Uzbekistan. In this regard, he marked: we hoped that the future cooperation with Iran lead to the realization of this concept.


Ali Shir Sultanov, head of national gas and oil company of Uzbekistan, also provided a report on the current technological condition of Uzbekistan in the area of oil and gas, requesting for joint collaborations between Iran and Uzbekistan in the area of development of oil and gas technologies. 

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 28178


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