By order of the Vice President of Science
Secretary was appointed for the Digital Connectivity and Communications Headquarters
The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy issued a decree appointing Masoud Hamedanlou as Secretary of the Digital, Connectivity and Communications Headquarters.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Hossein Afshin, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, issued a decree appointing Masoud Hamedanlou as Secretary of the Digital, Connectivity and Communications Headquarters.
Afshin stated in the decree appointing Masoud Hamedanloo:
"To improve the structure, downsizing, and organizational agility, based on the recommendation of the Honorable Deputy Minister for Knowledge-Based Economy Development and consider the level of competence and experience, by this decree, I appoint you as the Secretary of the Headquarters for the Development of the Digital Knowledge-Based Economy, Connectivity, and Communications, and delegate the affairs of the Headquarters for the Development of the Digital Knowledge-Based Economy and the Headquarters for the Development of Connectivity and Communications Technologies to you."
"It is essential to prepare and present a roadmap for developing the technology ecosystem, innovation, and market development of the above priority areas, using the experiences of colleagues working in the two previous headquarters and the consensus of academic elites and private sector activists."
Hamedanlou is a computer engineering graduate with a master's in executive management. He previously served as the deputy director of the Information Technology Industry Development and Accreditation Organization of the Information Technology Organization of Iran, and as an advisor to the secretary and director general and Governance Affairs Department in the Secretariat of the Supreme Cyberspace Council, deputy minister and head of the Radio and Communications Regulatory Authority, and head of the Specialized Committee of the Communications Regulatory Commission.