  • Mar 15 2017 - 18:28
  • 578
  • Study time : 5 minute(s)
A Technological Spring

Let us shift to startup perspective

Let us shift to startup perspective

Let us leave the compliments aside. Each season has its own benefits and none of them is more important than the others. If your storage is full, the cold and icy winter will be pleasant and warm for you and if your sky is full of rain, your summer will be fruitful and full of sweet and ripe fruits. Autumn and spring will be the way they always are.

Another spring has come; a spring for a year of progression. Over the last weeks of 1395, it was announced that Islamic Republic of Iran has ranked first in the world in terms of scientific acceleration. These are the news and events that make the human conscience more productive, lush and fertile. If we are able to do something to be better, that means development, flourishing and greenness.

Now, everyone is sure that Iranian young population will achieve their goals in any hard situation. History has proven that "Even if Faith were at (the place of) Ath-Thuraiya (pleiades, the highest star), then some men or man from these people from Fars region would attain it.” The Islamic Republic of Iran has left some traces of itself from the smallest particles to the big sky, whether with its three-color flag or the name of its talented people.

Now is the time of spring. The nature comes into life in this season. Blossoms grow and flowers spread aromas in the air. The earth comes anew. Not new, but innovated. Innovation always makes the feeling of the earth, sky and people good. Innovation if one of the properties of human beings and their empowering point. With its technique, remedy and instinctive knowledge, the earth earns vitality. Similarly, people can learn from technological platform of earth and time to make himself better and bigger and recognize the many secrets of its almighty creator. A new beginning is the secret of durability. Each beginning is associated with an event, which will lead to positive results if appropriately planned and executed. Recently, entrepreneurial events and startups are more seriously considered in Iran. Startups have been promoted due to the intelligence and capabilities of our young population and experienced management. In the meantime, special talents were identified.

Now everyone agrees that we should have a technological perspective to obtain the remarkable advances in the world. Entrepreneurial ecosystem grows and flourishes in such conditions.

Entrepreneurial ecosystem is vital today. Our economy, technology, business, commerce, production, industry and occupations must taste the spring. They should feel the taste of innovation. Put simply, all of the mentioned concepts require spring, which should be created by us. If we make our lifestyle innovative, this spring will come to our homes itself with innovation, hope, credit and honor.

Dynamic and innovative businesses do not emerge on their own and require the necessary foundations. We should promote the cultural aspects of it and localize it. We should take care of it to grow and flourish and be fruitful at the end. The more real and lovable spring is life this. “Nowruz” is a reminder for our “reformer of hearts” and “transformer of conditions”. In fact, it has an Iranian Muslim intellectual view behind it. No calendar is as accurate and scientific as the Iranian one. One of the signs of advancement and its durability in the golden scientific era is this attention to “time”. In addition to its connection to the beginning of the year, Nowruz reminds an innovative literacy.

If the growth and prosperity of our earth depends spring, our advancement depends on technological flourishing and development of innovative businesses. These are not just some slogans, but rather guidelines. They are the way to grow and develop. Our young population is the vitality and freshness of our country. We should not take them for granted. Our universities, factories and small and large companies are filled with these individuals, who should not be oppressed and the path should be opened for them to grow. We should remove the obstacles for them. In this regard, our wise man said that we have to completely trust this generation.

The current young generation is the result of resistance, tolerance, trust and belief. A generation that understood all of the difficulties and lack of financial supports and sanctions and now values its belongings and knows the worth of progress and innovation. This generation, is the generation of innovation and hope.

Innovation is now necessary to develop. Where can we find these unique investments that cannot be priced? How can we make them our own? We can see that those with superpowers cannot take the identity of Iranian young population with their glamor. Moreover, we observe that the center of the universe for Iranian young generation is right here, Iran.

The same clean, kind and hospitable soil; with all of the hard situations it has encountered with, it is still the mother of all of us and has made its children love its kindness. Let us put the compliments aside. Our Iran needs the spring of science and technology, as the nature is anew. As the Iranian nature is famous during spring, its science and technology must be the same. Fortunately, everything is prepared. I congratulate the spring to all of my esteemed countrymen and hope that the wind of life and innovation be soon spread to all parts of the country and be flourished.

Happy Nowruz

Parviz Karami


Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs 

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  • News code : 22559


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