  • May 1 2017 - 18:32
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Shortcut for Increased Production and Eliminated Unemployment

Acknowledging innovative and knowledge-based companies

Acknowledging innovative and knowledge-based companies

Economic weaknesses and their challenges not only puts the society members, especially the less fortunate ones, in trouble for providing for their families, but it also is Achilles Heel of the country, tempting the enemies to weaken the economy of Iran and its political system by misleading slogans. However, detailed evaluation of the situation reveals that a part of these economic weaknesses is caused by conspiracies and actions of the enemy. They think that escalation and continuation of economic sanctions will separate the people from the government and turn the poor against the system. With the help of God, no such thing has ever happened and there is an unbreakable bond between Iranians and the government of Iran. However, the conspiracies of the foreign enemy on one hand and lack of effort of authorities and inaccuracy in detection of priorities have resulted in many serious economic problems in Iran.

Depression, unemployment, and high liquidity are some of the current problems of the country. Notification of policies of economy of resistance as a strategy to defeat these problems, emphasis of the Supreme Leader of Iran on serious attention to economy of resistance, naming of the past two years, priorities, such as employment and increased national production, initiation of exclusive and practical tasks by the government in this area and cooperation of other organizations are all indicative of immersive determination for dealing with economic weaknesses. This determination will not be inclusive and national only by cooperation of all people from various walks of life.

Review of various times of Islamic revolution has cleared that people and government have never been separated and they have been able to solve crisis with each other. Now, the only way to get out of zigzags of the bureaucratic system and accelerate the official processes in the country, which is the major part of economy of resistance, is leaving national production to people. Governments have many limitations and difficulties. There are so many tasks to follow up in this organization, and it cannot cover all of these duties. However, the government is required to provide the situation for maximum collaboration between people and the private sector in employment and production and eliminate the barriers in this regard.

Legislative and judiciary branches must also provide the necessary rules and conditions for market stability and attraction and safety of investment. Moreover, the expert body of the government must design timely executive plans to be implemented in micro and macro fields of executive projects. Creative and intelligent individuals can establish knowledge-based companies, startups and innovative organizations by understanding the needs and environmental, cultural and economic conditions of Iran. By doing so, they can create wealth from knowledge and technology. We should never forget that this wealth, even if it belongs to one or some economic activists and entrepreneurs, can help improve the economic status of the country. We can increase employment by establishing factories and large centers. However, with regard to our great need for employment and high number of graduates from various fields, it is better to simultaneously involve the private sector and innovative companies to create knowledge-based companies without the need for macro investments by the government. Therefore, we can facilitate the creation of employment and wealth from science and technology using limited facilities and resources.

Knowledge-based companies are based on idea and knowledge, and often have no macro investor. Today, knowledge-based and innovative companies have been able to significantly increase employment and wealth creation by entering in areas of economy, industry, production and services nationwide. This must also occur in other fields. The government can provide facilities in this regard and help the commercialization of advancement of ideas. In addition, the government can provide the necessary information for knowledge-based companies and make efforts in export of products and market creation abroad. However, companies must have a non-governmental identity and be completely managed by common people. In fact, the cheapest and most updated method for increasing production and eliminating unemployment is acknowledging knowledge-based companies. We must provide acceptable legal, customs, banking, administrative, ceremonial and economic requirements for these companies, so that innovative and intelligent human resource will be able to turn new ideas into product and gain economic prosperity through a shortcut. Shortcut is when the government paves the way for maximum participation of scientists and technologies.


Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 23537


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