  • Sep 14 2015 - 16:40
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Notes of Dr. Sattari in Irans Newspaper Special Edition for Government Week

The fate of science in the post-sanctions period

The fate of science in the post-sanctions period

Dr. Sourena Sattari

Islamic Republic of Iran is in its turning point of scientific, economic and social development, based on the enormous human potential of educated, joyful and faithful young people and is completely ready for a massive transformation in the management patterns and the development of community; in particular the economic and cultural freedom of oil. By the grace of God, with extensive investment made in the past two decades and comprehensive support of the Supreme Leader (May God Keep him safe), development of science, technology, innovation and knowledge-based economy has become the dominant dialogue format and main development programs, in particular the sixth development plan.


According to experts, reviewing successful experiences indicates that fulfillment of this dialogue requires proper implementation measures and rethinking some traditional assumptions and inefficient cost management of oil revenues and economic system based on science and technology. In other words, today we should doubt about most of past assumptions and with an understanding of the requirements of appearing successful in software movement, realization of scientific authority, and rescuing from the oil economy, we should accelerate movement in this direction.

This rethinking about mental patterns and management beliefs in the field of science and knowledge-based economy is the main concern and focus of the eleventh government.

Based on this, the last two years, it has always been tried that some innovative and transformational concepts be institutionalized as a key metaphor in macro management culture of the country and also the scientific, research and industrial environment , and also following important enforcement actions be put on the agenda based on this metaphor:

1. Creating entrepreneurship ecosystem and technological innovation in the country: The supreme leader has stressed several times on the complete supply chain of knowledge production leading to wealth production. The president also expresses the concept of Knowledge Based Economy as a basic motto of the government and the key solution in resistive economy. Shaping the environment for innovation and entrepreneurship in scientific and industrial environments and creating incentives for this, has been one of the main activities of the government in the past two years.

Accordingly, using new approaches in transforming the campus into a knowledge-based breeding ground for young energetic entrepreneur including support for innovation centers, startup courses, linking accelerator companies with creative ideas of the younger generation, it has been tried to change the dominant culture of universities from employee-fostering to entrepreneur-fostering places. The aim of doing so was to create entrepreneur and self-supporting universities in financial terms based on the commercialization and sale of knowledge. In this way, the government has stressed that the university should aim at the production of high quality and beneficial science to society. This is essentially the central and pivotal goal of the university. This is done using complementary mechanisms for commercialization and application of it in the form of sales or generating knowledge and knowledge-based companies and be responsible about the fate of their graduates and the society that pays the costs of their administration.


In this regard, the government has tried to create complementary environment of this ecosystem by activating Law for Protection of Knowledge-Based Companies and commercialization of inventions,

In the past two years, with the efforts of the government, various anticipated means of support in the law has been activated as well. During this time, 1,600 companies has been qualified as knowledge-based and has been subjected to legal protection including affordable facilities. In this regard, despite financial constraints of the government, Innovation and Development Fund has been active in practice and government has fulfilled its the legal obligations in allocation of these funds. In the area of tax exemptions, this effective protection tool has been operationalized, especially for young knowledge-based companies, with the efforts of the Working Group of competency recognition, support for knowledge-based companies, and cooperation of all bodies, especially the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Accordingly, formed current of legal, spiritual and material protections from knowledge-based companies is a symbol of the seriousness of the government in the knowledge-based economy in this working group.


2. Scientific and qualitative acceleration of science and technology in the country: In addition to the fact that importance of ecological innovation that is based on accelerated growth and development of higher education in the country, has become a necessity, maintaining the pace of science and technology and completing the necessary chain for continuation of its growth and increasing its effectiveness, is among main objectives of the government. This aim requires creating a suitable environment. The followings are among ongoing programs in the field: Increasing government investment in frontier research of knowledge, supporting high-quality papers with leading international rating in form of support for prominent scientists, creating the system of orient-giving towards solving the country issues in the form of grant  and strengthening research and technology funds. God willing these must be strengthened in the coming years. The flow of knowledge production has the possibility of being accelerated by identifying and networking interested and sympathetic Iranian elites around the world. From the perspective of the government, every Iranian scientists and elite anywhere in the world can join the large network of science production and do their best in line with Irans scientific authority at the regional and international level. Islamic republic of Iran should be symbol of a knowledge-based society in the area and science, knowledge and technology must introduce Iran to the world not natural resources and oil.


3. Market management of the country to maintain the speed of science and innovation:

In post-sanction circumstances, in addition to these two main objectives, one of the main missions of all government agencies and public institutions is smart and program-driven effort to manage the opportunities and threats of the post-sanction period in favor the formation of a knowledge-based economy and society. Policy-making for cooperation of valid companies with universities, research centers, internal knowledge based companies, making large importers to use human and productive capacities of the country to enter the Iranian market, and most importantly, the development of export-oriented incentive policies and for international partner companies for growth of export of technical knowledge and advanced technology-based products is one of the main objectives of government. Masterpiece of realization of resistive and knowledge-based economy is to achieve superior economic, science and technology position in the region. The message of this article at the end for all scholars and scientists and entrepreneurs and those interested in Iran is that we are on the verge of great change and a new journey full of challenges, but inspiring and uplifting to the young generation. 24-hour effort based on divine inspiration and the spirit of jihad is worthwhile and, God Willing, it will be the beginning of Islamic-Iranian new civilizations. So, at the threshold of third year of the Tact and Hope Government, our pray would be a verse of Hafiz Shirazi as follows:


Provide me with hardworking at the time of travel thou the sacred Bird;

Since the path is so long and Im new in travelling


Vice-President of Science and Technology and President of National Elites Foundation

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 18093


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