  • Oct 13 2015 - 17:03
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  • Study time : 6 minute(s)

The Way is Open

The Way is Open

*Parviz Karami

“Regarding the facts that we observe and are before our eyes, this peaking, reaching this desire excellence and progress is no way fanciful; it’s realistic. The experience of recent years shows the same. In the very given statistics you observed that the country’s progress in important sections and modern and efficient-in-life knowledge with the space of few years was impressive progress. This indicates that there are talent and capacity and readiness. We should take it seriously; it means that we should accentuate science and relying on science in the country; it means we should take it as the basis. This is what we talked about in these years. If the science was considered seriously in various parts, these knowledge-based companies which are working, manufacturing and producing wealth based on science, would manage to truly revive the country gradually.”

(The statements of the Supreme leader of Iran at the meeting with a group of researchers and knowledge-based companies’ officials on July 30th of 2012)

In no era the conditions, preparations and progress and development bases were provided as much as now. More importantly, the public understanding and perception have been improved quantitatively and qualitatively and people have noticed the necessity of economical change and revolution. The presence of the young and educated people shouldn’t be underestimated. Nevertheless, the danger of migration exists but if the officials be a bit serious at policies and the development cultural programs and don’t reduce its acceleration, the educated youth will surely do business activities with more energy and incentive and power.

One of the good occurrences that has happened in these years is that nations aren’t interested anymore in being employed by the government and earning a little money. The Majority of the young people are passionate which government can’t respond to that. They want to do a great and profitable job and say reliable words internationally. It is interesting that the world follows the Iranian educated youth’s manner and speech more seriously nowadays. It seems that their antenna is notifying about a good and comprehensive happening. This amazing attention toward Iran however is mixed with political incentives. But apart from the policy, they have perceived that in this region especially in the Islamic Republic of Iran, important phenomena are about to happen. Especially from scientific, technological and economical points of view, here is the conception of wealth and power and culture which will god willingly grow and cover the universe.

The country officials are ready more than before for change and revolution along people. It used to be dangerous to say that we should shrink the government. The de-govermentizing the economy seemed to be impossible and disastrous. But today theoretically all of the thinking groups deal with this issue like an obvious matter and have no disagreement on the main subject. If there is problem, it’s about the method. The important thing is that all of the dignified officials of the government have understood the necessity of progress and development throughly and from the government to the council, everyone seeks solutions which smooth people’s presence ways in economy and remove obstacles from the path of knowledge-based economy and legal wealth production from science. Today’s world’s atmosphere has changed. Those sciences that during the cold war were like nobody-knows secrets and the only way to achieve them was spying are now generally revealed because of the media technologies’ expansion and are accessible for public. Now it is a pleasurable chance for us to supply our required sciences from this profitable market and also turn to a knowledge-based things supplier ourselves. In this market we have a share and can earn huge profits. When India and Pakistan and Taiwan and China and Malaysia and Indonesia can earn a considerable share from the world trade, why can’t we? We were efficient in building the today’s world. We may get weakened in the recent years but a considerable amount of global science production has happened in Iran. Scientists have taken a step on a ladder which was made by Iranian scientists. Science has no geography and anybody who does anything, serves the humanity civilization. Despite this, no one denies the rank and dignity of Iranian scientists. Even now the Iranian scientists are glowing because of their dignified ancestors.

The most important factor that makes us hopeful to the country’s scientific and economical future is the Supreme Leader’s statements and attentions. Because of trusting in his kindness and benignity we say that the way is open and the development and progress situations are provided. The exact and realistic statement of the Supreme leader informs us that he knows more than anybody else that what a fantastic energy is available in Iran. The potential of Iran for growth and development is wonderful and because of that the countries of this region envy us. Just notice the statement that was quoted from our wise Supreme Leader at the forehead of this text. His statements left no doubt for the countries managers to accelerate their business. The main definition of jihad management is this which is exploiting all of the existing capacities and equipment and reaching the maximum result; the same as the amazing job that we did at the time of war. At war and Jihad no warrior would wait for equipment and hesitate for things to get ready but using the best available things provide equipment and situations and prevent the enemy’s advance. It is very good that soldiers have advanced weapons but if they don’t, they won’t surrender. They will withstand even with the environmental stuff and stop the enemy. Reading out the revolution and holly defense history reminds us that before anything else we need will and intention and determination. In this field likewise the determination and will and intention and hope say the first word.

In conclusion, with this leader and these dignified managers and this people and these young people and these preparations, the development and progress and wealth production via science path is open. Cloud and wind and fog and sun and the sky are working/ so that you earn a loaf of bread and eat it without neglect/ everything has been obedience and Bewildered because of you/ it’s not fair that you don’t obey


The president of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter

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