  • Jul 25 2017 - 19:24
  • 796
  • Study time : 4 minute(s)
Remembering the Late Mary Mirzakhani;

Science and art are both guardians of peace and friendship.

Science and art are both guardians of peace and friendship.

Not long had passed the day Maryam Mirzakhani was awarded the Field Prize; a prize that is regarded as Nobel Prize for mathematics and is given to a mathematician aged below 40 years every four years to appreciate their prominent achievements in this area. It was August of 2014. When we heard the news, everyone was cheering in the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs. This was an honor for all of the activists in the field of science and technology.

A woman from Iran and Sharif University of Technology, who also won two gold medals in global mathematics Olympiad, was able to remind the name of her country Iran to all of the people in the world. I remember that we assigned some pages of “SarAmad” monthly journal, which is published by Iran national elites foundation, to this cheerful event at that time. Dr. Sattari also wrote a note and congratulates her on this achievement, while emphasizing that: “we are significantly proud to say that Dr. Maryam Mirzakhani, a graduate from Sharif University, has won the most important global math prize. As Iranians, we are honored to hear that an Iranian sophisticated woman has been able to achieve this award”.

Now that I am writing this editorial, her name has created chaos among scientists and technologies again after less than four years. However, this time the pages are black and instead of congratulation, we are commemorating her memories, writing: one person is lost but a lot has been added to scientific value of the world. Maryam Mirzakhani died while she was still recognized as the last person to win the Fields Prize. May God bless her soul and her road toward science and knowledge be continued by Iranian scholars. Mirzakhani herself was a scientist who continued the path of golden era of civilization of Islamic Iran, looking up to scientists such as Ibn Sina, Al-Biruni and Abu al-Wafa Buzjani. This honor was not just for her but for all Iranians in the world.

Not just Maryam, but all Iranian young scientists inside and outside of the country, who study and create new achievements for Iran, as well as all Iranians who have had a share of increasing the scientific aspects of human life and bring the name of Iran to all pages of history of science and technology of Iran, are guardians of flame of hope. Four years ago, when Maryam was able to obtain the most important mathematics prize in the world, she reminded everyone that science, similar to arst, can bring honor and pride to a country, which is uncompetitive. It is known that science and art are both guardians of peace and friendship and are mutual languages between all people of the world regardless of boarders, colors, genders and religions. It is the scientists and artists who can stand against unreasonable authorities, who want to close their boarders and bring up fences around them and are even so rude to say: we do not allow Iranians to come to our country and see their families.

It is the exact moment when they close their mouth and say nothing. It is when the death of Maryam reminds us again that scientists and artists must be appreciated and honored. We have many Iranians such as Mirzakhani all over the world, whose hearts beat for Iran and think about the achievements of this country anywhere they are, shouting their Iranian nature. Whenever the world they are, they will be the soldiers of their homeland, give Persian names to their children, recite Iranian stories for them and love them with the beautiful language of Iran. It is true that they are paying their dues and whatever they do cannot compensate for what their homeland has provided for them for free, this is not something to expect from science and technology authorities in our country. Over the past few years, we have been able to create broad interactions with non-resident Iranian young scientists. Many of this individuals have come back to Iran even after many years due to facilities provided for them. We even have elite couples who live outside of Iran and have children, who have now come back to Iran. These people bring their scientific and technological abilities and genes to their homeland. By doing so, not only they are able to bring something new to Iran, but their children can guarantee the advancement of their country. In this regard, our supreme leader has stated: “our most important facility is our human resource, a talented, efficient, young human resource. This human resource is not something quantitative but rather the most important tool for advancement of a country…”. Maintaining communication with these elite and creative youth will lead encourage others to come back to their countries, guaranteeing the continuity of presence of intelligent, talented, capable and proud manpower in the country.


Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs 

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 26136


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