  • Dec 13 2018 - 19:41
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An Introduction to a Book

On enhancement of ecosystem of knowledge-based economy

On enhancement of ecosystem of knowledge-based economy

We live in a world where the development of nations depend on knowledge, technology and innovation more than ever. The knowledge-based economy has dominated the world so much that it could not be overlooked. This is the modern form of the statements of Imam Ali, who expressed: “science is the Sultan”.

In this regard, it should be noted that the path of flourishing of Iran is nothing but the path of science, technology and innovation. The economy of resistance shows the same excellent path toward the peaks of pride, knowledge, and capability. In his statements, our Supreme Leader has constantly regarded knowledge-based economy the base of economy of resistance, inviting the policy-makers of the country to prioritize science and technology in their programs. Therefore, the term of economy of resistance can be summarized into: “the key to advancement of science and technology in the country”. Something beyond an oil-based economy based on selling raw materials. In addition, the inadequacy of this approach is known by all elites of the country, which is associated with the stop of all effective and long-term goals and policies of the country. As an endogenous, outsourcing, fundamental knowledge, public and justice-centered economy, the economy of resistance seeks the release of the country from adverse effects of selling resources.

Instead, the economy is based on the will and determination of the youth and facilitates the applicability of academic thinking and finalizes the actions performed by industrialists, technologists, donors, policy-makers, and the public. However, the Vice-Presidency has direct its missions toward moving away from resource-selling economy to knowledge-based and export-oriented economy as a mediating organization. this organization creates synergy between various organizations to move toward the creation of economic ability based on knowledge and technology, commercialization and promotion for solving national issues, promoting self-reliance and creating competitive advantages in international markets. By doing so, the national dignity is improved, wealth is created at the national level, and the life quality of the people increases. As such, various mechanisms of the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation in the society, including support of innovation and commercialization of technology in universities and research centers and industries, motivating demand and increase market demand for knowledge-based products and services, support of developing strategic technologies and performing demand-oriented macro national programs, support of the formation of knowledge-based industries in all provinces of the country, focusing on the technology-based entrepreneurial activities and serious efforts made to establish the law for support of knowledge-based companies and institutes, have been prioritized in the Vice-Presidency. In addition, specific attention to the development of institutional infrastructure and the organization of the country"s innovation system, including the expansion of various financing models of technology and innovation, venture capitals, orientation to national resources and banks to support innovative activities, the management of government purchases, national development projects and foreign investments to strengthen knowledge-based companies, attracting private sector partners and benefactors in the development and commercialization of technology, support for effective private sector role-play processes in business innovation and business development, and the creation of knowledge-based industries and special attention to the export of knowledge-based products and international technology exchanges are carried out in line with the general policies and programs of the economy of resistance by various sections of the Vice-Presidency. In this book, we have attempted to present the latest images and events that show the role-playing of the Vice-Presidency in policy-making and scientific and technological strategies of the country. In addition, we have historically reviewed the domestic measures and policies in the field of science and technology. Therefore, this study has aimed to explain the activities of the Vice-Presidency in the past three years and demonstrate new approaches of policy-making and management of science, technology and innovation, laying a foundation for a mutual understanding in this regard. It is notable that the actions performed by the Vice-Presidency have been supported by other administrative organizations such as the ministry of health, ministry of research and technology, ministry of oil, ministry of industry, mine and commerce, and many other national organizations along with the cooperation of experts, academics, researchers, technologists, industry owners, and founders of knowledge-based companies. We hope that effective measures be taken in the future. In the end, it should be mentioned that our actions have been in line with the statements of the Supreme Leader, who named this year as the year of economy of resistance. We hope that new horizons be formed with the help of knowledge-based companies in terms of sales rate and occupation formation. We are all responsible for creating a bright future in Iran. If God Wills.

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs

  • News group : Notes
  • News code : 43110


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