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Karami: Supporting creative companies requires legal support

Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters in Tolou TV Program asked MPs to provide the legal support needed by creative companies.

Parviz Karami, Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, in Tolou TV program, which was broadcast live on Channel 4, while explaining how the ecosystem of soft and creative industries was formed, said: For the last 8 years, it has been trying to develop a technology and innovation ecosystem in the country that includes various actors, including accelerators, innovation centers, science and technology parks, venture capital funds, startups, and knowledge companies, founders, technology activists and creators play a role in it.

According to him, in the last 8 years, when the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has been implementing this law, he has been faced with different types of products, services and companiesAlthough these companies have not been able to obtain the necessary conditions to be included in the circle of knowledge-based companies, but their activities, products and services have key features such as innovation and application of technology.

The head of the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology continued: "Considering the importance of this field, the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology voluntarily formed a program called Supporting Creative and Innovative Companies named Ecological Development of Soft and Creative Industries." 

Explaining the characteristics of a soft and creative ecosystem, Karami said: "Companies whose work is based on creativity and innovation, even if complex technologies do not play a role in the supply of their products and services, are recognized as" creative companies "by the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology.

Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, while calling the country's soft and cultural industries in need of special attention, said: "The main cultural and artistic activities in our country are person-centered and because these cultural and innovative activities are team nature." And based on a chain and a company, we have made the precondition for identifying these activities as a creative plan, placing them in the form of a company and a legal entity.  

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology, added: "Financial support and providing facilities are among these supports that are provided to creative companies through research and technology funds. Fortunately, the Research and Technology Fund for Soft and Creative Industries has recently been established with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology."


The Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters said that another measure taken for the creative industries is to create specialized clusters throughout the country and added: "Now, it has been approved to establish at least one creative house in all provinces."

Explaining the issues related to preserving the intellectual property of artistic and creative products in the soft and creative ecosystem of the country, Karami said: "The issue of intellectual property in the country's innovation ecosystem itself is a relatively emerging and new issue." For this reason, product evaluators and buyers must be familiar with issues and laws related to intellectual property.

According to Karami, in our country, instead of this modern and continuous chain, there are traditional companies and offices that are considered as cinema officesCinema is an industry and requires a complete chain of different actors.

"Cinema is an example, and these shortcomings exist in other areas, such as music, fashion and clothing, or publishing," said the vice president's science and technology adviser, while examining various disciplines in the soft and creative industriesAll of these are defined under the soft and cultural industries, and no interconnected and complete chains have been formed to promote them $ 2.7 billion is the global turnover of the soft and creative industries, of which only $ 100 million has been allocated to Iran.

Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, while underestimating this amount of turnover in the field of soft and creative industries for the country, said: "According to the culturalhistorical and civilizational background of our country, Chabahar, to the northernmost point in the west of the country, such as Mako, Bilesvar and Jolfa, we will find a huge amount of capacities, resources and products in the field of soft and creative industries that need to be seen and seenThe carpet industry is a very good example in this field that although this industry and the name of carpet in the world is known as Iran by all historians and orientalists, but not much work has been done to change the technology and influence this traditional industry in the country. And its machinery is often supplied through imports.

According to him, despite this admirable effort, I have to say from the position of Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, that unfortunately it seems that the role and needs of soft and creative industries are not seen in this lawIt should also be noted that laws are usually written for long periods of several years, and not just for the present, if the role of soft and creative industries is not seen in this new law


Explaining the legal needs to support creative companies and the soft and creative ecosystem of the country, the Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters said: Let the government include our views in it.  

He also stated: "Our request is that the word creative companies be added to this law next to knowledge-based companies." Creative companies, like knowledge-based companies, do not have high media power and their demands do not have enough resonance in societyThe Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is ready to present the demands of these companies and creative activists to the esteemed members of parliament by submitting documents so that the support needed by these companies can also enjoy legal support

Report by Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Notes,Interview,Communication & Information Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 71852

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