  • Aug 22 2016 - 19:33
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  • Study time : 6 minute(s)
About an Invisible Ghost Which Makes Human from Flesh and Skin and Blood

Job Gets Done with Hope

Job Gets Done with Hope

The driving force of a car is a motor placed inside it. Fuel and electricity cause the motor to run and drive the car ahead. Living creatures have organs that props them like motor and make them move. Animals have heart or something like that that beats and fueling their organs. They have brain or something like that which control their neuro system….at first view it seems that the human being is alive and live by their brain and heart. We eat as the car’s tank is filled with fuel and we are powered by food and water and air and do our duties as the motor transmit force to different parts of the car. Those who know nothing about human’s nature and just deal with the appearance of affairs will see human as a machine that has a motor and works with fuel and energy. Hence, there is no difference between workers and factory’s tools in capitalism system. Devices work with fuel and electricity and drive the production line. Workers refueling at dinner and lunch time as well to drive the production line. But the reality is that human is different from the machine and although they both can fasten a screw, they are not relevant to each other at all. One who has become more precise in human’s nature knows that the mankind’s driving force is something else and comes from somewhere else.

We build our homes with plaster, soil, iron, stone and cement. Architectures build houses with such materials in which we can live. But the very thing that turns a house into a house or in the other word, pull the house together is not plaster, soil, iron, stone nor cement. When you see the Azadi square you won’t say what a good stone, what a beautiful tile, what a risen iron but rather say what a pretty “monument”. It seems that someone has injected kind of essence into that plaster and soil and iron and cement from outside that caused those materials to go beyond their level and limit and rank. This essence can be found in all artistic works. What raises a painting above its limit, rank, color, canvas and oils is the very pebble that is used by the artist in their work. Hence, the mankind is like the artwork. No one ever says that the human being is a combination of flesh and vessel and fat and muscle and nerve fiber and skin and hair. The human is not human because of these but because of the essence that is not seen but felt. As a matter of fact, the difference between “Us” and other things is not outward but rather inward.

Petitioners and Philosophers and anthropologists have discussed a lot about this conscience which is out of the scope of this mote but unequivocally, a part of this conscience is referred to the wonderful concept of “Hope”. What make a home, home is the art blown into the materials by the architecture. What make human, human is the hope whose seed cultivated inside his heart by God. Hope is the very thing that distinguishes the mankind from the machine. It is not exaggeration to say the human’s main driving force is this very hope….we breathe, eat, sleep, and save energy with those things but what makes us work and make and advance is not the saved energy but the hope. If one day – God forbid- hope gives up and leaves human being then no one will be in the mood of working and going out and building. This is the hope that makes us move to make our world and build it up. If hope didn’t exist, we would be still cavemen and wear panther’s skin.

The human’s generation has continued because of the light of hope that hasn’t been extinguished in wind and rain. Many dangers have been threatening the mankind till now. We could have been extinguished and eliminated as simple as the dinosaurs and many species did. Heat, cold, poisons, wild animals, earthquake, flood, fire, illnesses, viruses, microbes, etc were all terrifying to the extent that they frightened the mankind and freeze him. But the hope entered the field like a driving force and pushed all the dangers backward. If failures turns to victory’s bridge, it’s just because of hope otherwise anybody would sink into despair after resulting in failure and their depression would cause them to end up waiting for death. What advances Iran is indeed science, technique, work and coordination but all of them are poor without hope and lead to nowhere. Hope is as the invisible ghost that makes human from flesh, skin and blood. We advanced the Islamic Revolution and the holy defense with the driving force of faith. Faith is not realizable without hope. There is no believer who not be hopeful in good. If you see a believer with no hope who propagates frustration, be doubtful in his faith. Believing in unseen is of tools of hopefulness and that the God himself organizes things and more up our few and complete our incompleteness. If you refer to the Islam’s history you will see that Muslims conquered a lot with hope and expanded God’s religion with hope. The Islamic civilization got decline and weakness and languor since the time Muslims lost their hope and thought that they couldn’t build the world anymore. There are people at the very moment that make disappointing remarks and say frustrating words. You may have heard that they say “We can handle running the world”, “we can’t build anything”, “We can’t reach the west even though we work as hard as possible”, “We are way much behind the developed civilization of the west” … Unfortunately, we have hear a lot about such frustrating craps whereas the experience and history, however, testify that hope can do things considered to be impossible.

Resistive economy, knowledge-based economy, reinforcing the country’s stamina, supporting domestic production, keeping the political and dogmatic and such affairs has just one driving force: Hope. Actually they have just one calamity: Frustration. With this hope we can take the country to the peaks of glory. (It is obvious that hope is not useful alone and cures nothing. We assume that other preliminaries are prepared so that the hope drives them.) With frustration we can miss golden opportunities and have ourselves destroyed. Unrealistic hope is as harmful as the frustration. Hope cannot be created with dreams and lies. The hope we talk about is a real and rational hope that is compatible with the world calculations and cases. Anyone who adds wood to the hope’s fire is obviously a lover of the country and is fund of a bright and transcendental future and anyone who propagates frustration and wants to kill the hope in people and officials continuously is surely empty of patriotism and serves our enemies willingly or unwillingly.



* Consultant of the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs and secretary of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter

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