  • Mar 8 2021 - 16:02
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Consolidation of technology diplomacy with the visit of the Iranian delegation to Syria; Karami: Syria has a good market for knowledge-based and creative saturated products; Iran's comprehensive readiness to transfer technology to this country

Iran-Syria cooperation is being developed in areas such as biotechnology, laboratory, university and hospital equipment, education, and agriculture to promote science and technology diplomacy.

As science and technology diplomacy has influenced the foreign policies of countries today, strengthening and expanding Iran's scientific and technological cooperation with Syria was on the agenda of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology.

Therefore, a trade and technology delegation from 40 creative and knowledge-based companies, together with Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, left for Syria to exchange their scientific and technological experiences, change the economic path of our country and build a way to export Iranian goods to this country.

These creative and knowledge-based companies in various fields such as biotechnology, ICT, laboratory and university and hospital equipment, education, and medical and agricultural rehabilitation have goods for supply and export, which were introduced in separate meetings of the Vice President of Science and Technology with Syrian Interior Ministers.

During the visit, Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, met with the Ministers of Research and Higher Education, Industry, Agriculture, Land Reform, and Health, as well as the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Syrian Chamber of Commerce, and the second trade and technology meeting of Iran in Syria was opened with his presence.

Meanwhile, the establishment of the Iranian House of Technology Innovation and Export in Syria was another achievement of this multi-day trip.

"Made in Iran" ventilators are used in Syrian hospitals

Parviz Karami, Advisor to the Vice President of Science and Technology, in an interview with Mehr, referring to the details of the Iranian delegation's visit to Syria, said: "This visit is aimed at supporting Iranian knowledge-based and creative companies interested in exporting and operating in Syria."

Referring to the ability of Iranian companies to take over the Syrian market, he stressed: "The large Syrian market can be a good opportunity for Iranian goods made and knowledge-based and creative." For example, currently, 4 large Iranian companies are manufacturers of ventilators, but this product is saturated in Iran and there is no hospital and emergency medical center in the country that needs a ventilator, so in this trip, preparations for the export of these devices for Iranian companies were provided with this new market.

Karami said: "The purpose of this visit of the Vice President for Science and Technology to Syria is to create, maintain, upgrade and empower Iranian knowledge-based and creative companies and lay the groundwork for the presence of these companies in Syria." Hence, the House of Iranian Technology Innovation and Export was set up in Syria.

Establishment of Iranian technology innovation and export houses in friendly countries

To boost the export and market of Iranian products made in Damascus, the Iranian House of Technology Innovation and Export with an area of ​​620 square meters was opened in Syria, and 40 knowledge-based and creative products in the field of electricity and electronics, medicine, advanced materials, information, and communication technology. Biotechnology, agriculture, and other technological fields were displayed in this center.

Iran Technology Innovation and Export House is a space to facilitate the export of Iranian products, achievements, technology, and creativity to Syria and can be a step towards the realization of Iranian technology diplomacy with this country.

In this regard, the advisor to the Vice President of Science and Technology, stating that the establishment of Iran's House of Technology Innovation and Exports in neighboring and friendly countries is on the agenda, told Mehr: So far, this center in countries such as Kenya, Armenia, China, and Turkey The goal is to identify talents and provide capabilities. We are trying to establish an innovation house in any place where the private sector has this possibility or the Iranian embassy has an additional building that can be turned into an export center.

 Emphasizing that the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology supports companies that have the talent to export goods and services, Karami added: "We are not looking for financial support from these companies." Rather, we identify the strengths of creative and knowledge-based companies and address their weaknesses. It can now be boldly said that Iranian-made goods have strengthened across borders and reached the intended standards.

Establishing an Iranian Innovation House in friendly countries is a way to circumvent sanctions

In the days when Iran is under the oppressive sanctions of some countries and does not have access to global markets, it is very important to find alternative ways to reach profitable and valuable international markets and introduce Iranian technological goods.

Therefore, the idea of ​​establishing an Iranian House of Technology Innovation and Export in other countries, which is supported by the Vice President for Science and Technology, pursues the same goal. This center can be a reliable and permanent base for the import and export of our country's technological products to the domestic markets of the target countries.

"For example, in Armenia, we agreed to produce up to 70% of Iranian-made products in Iran and the remaining 30% in Armenia by an Iranian company with the help of Armenian partners," said the secretary of the Culture and Knowledge Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries. To be done and the Armenian brand to be hit on it. In this way, we can cover the Eurasian market, which is a market of about 200 to 300 million people.

Karami added: "To circumvent the sanctions, we must try different ways, and the establishment of innovation centers will allow us to invest in the foreign and interested private sector and talented Iranians who want to operate in foreign exchange markets, and be profitable."

Details of Sattari's meeting with Syrian ministers

During the visit, the Vice President of Science and Technology met with the ministers of various Syrian ministries to identify the needs of our market and introduce the capabilities of our country.

Karami explained in this regard: The meeting with the Syrian Minister of Health was held to introduce and market the sale of Iranian-made laboratory equipment. Nearly 10,000 items of laboratory equipment and single hospitals that were introduced at the "Made in Iran" exhibition were consulted for sale to Syria.

"Syria is located near the Mediterranean Sea and has good potential in terms of agriculture and biotechnology," he said. Therefore, for agreements on agricultural equipment, satellite and UAV monitoring, agricultural implements and livestock vaccines, seeds, and food security, a meeting was held with the Syrian Minister of Agriculture and the facilities and capabilities of our country were introduced and a good understanding was reached.

 Regarding Sorena Sattari's meeting with the Syrian Minister of Science, Advisor to the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology also said: "Currently, a large number of Syrian students are studying in Iran. Therefore, a meeting was held with a group of students studying in Iran at the Syrian Innovation Center to use their abilities to identify the market and the influence of Iranian goods.

Karami stressed: "In this meeting, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Vice President for Science and Technology and the Syrian Ministry of Research and Higher Education to establish a $ 10 million credit line for the establishment of a reference laboratory in Damascus." According to the agreement, specialized laboratories in various fields such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, information, and communication technology, physics, mathematics, and chemistry will be established in Syria with the cooperation of Iran.

Regarding the meeting between the Vice President for Science and Technology and the Syrian Minister of Industry, he said: "A meeting was held with the presence of Dr. Sattari and the Syrian Minister of Industry following the cooperation of previous years." This cooperation is related to the construction of silos as well as power plant collaborations using the capacity of knowledge-based companies.

Karami said: "Even now, the capabilities of power plants, technology and engineering, and the field of knowledge-based industry are very high, and one of the goals of this trip was to consult to take over the market of this country."

Referring to Dr. Sattari's meeting with the Syrian Prime Minister, the Advisor to the Vice President of Science and Technology said: "In this meeting, the Syrian ministers presented their reports on the meeting with Dr. Sattari to the Prime Minister and he thanked Iran for its support in recent years."

He said: "The visit of the scientific deputy with a delegation of knowledge-based and creative Iranian companies to friendly and neighboring countries such as Syria is a place and establishment of technology diplomacy to show our scientific authority to the world." If we say that we are ranked 15th or 16th in the world in the production of science, we must be able to attract the target markets and not just produce articles.

Karami said: in the meeting with the Prime Minister of Syria, the issue of exploiting the production of hospital X-ray machines by the Iranian Knowledge-Based Company was mentioned. The Iranian company, which is active in the field of linear accelerators and hospital X-ray machines, was able to revive a broken and used French machine in one of the Syrian hospitals. For this reason, Dr. Sattari suggested to the Syrian Prime Minister that Iran is ready to provide these devices to Syria at one-third of the price of European devices.

Regarding the meeting between the Vice President of Science and Technology and the President of the Syrian Chamber of Commerce, which took place regarding the development of technological and financial exchanges between the two countries, he said:" In this meeting, Dr. Sattari announced Iran's full readiness to transfer technology in all technological fields to Syria."

In this meeting, to facilitate trade and accelerate financial exchanges between the two countries, it was decided that a Syrian trade delegation would visit Iran's technological infrastructure.


Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, quoted by Mehr News Agency

  • News group : NEWS,Notes,Communication & Information Center,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center
  • News code : 73393

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