  • Nov 29 2015 - 17:01
  • 452
  • Study time : 5 minute(s)

Bad wouldn’t reach our hopeful mood…

Bad wouldn’t reach our hopeful mood…

*Parviz Karami

The most important base of progress and development is “being hopeful”. The thing that makes students study, scientists do research, engineers design and plan and teachers teach is hope for a better and brighter future. No troll is as evil as despair and frustration and no force can freeze human as much as depression.

Actually the disgraceful devil’s main duty is to spread the seeds of despair and depression especially among the youth and educates. In order to do anything we need hope although some jobs can be done with depression. Nowadays too many workers and employees are depressed. Especially in industrial societies the majority of people are lethargic, bored and upset. Apparantly they go to work, work there, sign papers like signing machines behind their desks. In fact in industrial societies the human resources become a part of the industrial machines.

The Charlie Chaplin’s “Modern Times” wanted to say the same thing that the new worker has become self-alienated and turned to a screw tightener machine. The screw tightener has no hope for future. He even doesn’t know to tighten which screw for what job. He just works to live. Human being can be the hopelessness’s companion as so many workers and employees are. The only thing that makes them get up at a specific time, work for 8 hours or more and then sleep and drink and immerge into the cocoon of oblivion is the very working. These signing and screw fixing turn to the most important incentives of life. And because of this the retirement is the most important crisis of the mechanical societies.

The one who tightens screw for 30 years has no understanding of a world without screws and nuts. The employee who has dealt with documents and desk and signing can’t put up with a world without office supplies. However, this world is propped up by these disappointed workers and employees. The industry’s wheel is rotating by their force. It is not necessary that the Assari horse knows its work’s aim. Even its vision is limited so that it doesn’t understand its location and work. Stand at oneself has a preventing force that stagnate economy and Industry.

The Capitalist world needs plenty of energies such as oil and gas and Uranium. But first of all these things need a neglect that has embraced the human resources. However, when we go further than workers’ and employees’ level even this Capitalist world’s job doesn’t get done.

Scientists, philosophers, teachers and even students can’t advance without hope. The work force may droop and work unaskedly, unknowingly and ignorantly but without hope, diseases’ antidote can’t be made, the unknowns can’t be recognized, the crises can’t be solved, the obstacles can’t be removed and the problems can’t be untangled.

The research institutes surely need budget but pioneer to budget they need hope. If our foes want to thwart our growth and progress they won’t place bombs at our Universities and institutes and scientific circles. Bombs can’t stop our researches. Foes can’t get advanced by leveraging in informative channels. They may cause us some trouble but not a serious obstacle for our growth and development. The Nuclear scientists’’ wild assassinations made us upset and took faithful and virtuous youth from us but couldn’t hinder the nuclear program of country. Just despair and hopelessness can cause problems and put an end.

Nevertheless, the securities must take care of the hopelessness bombs that this country’s rancors have placed at our Universities and research and scientific institutes. The human’s life is up to heart. It is the heart that circulating blood in body artery. If the heart beats, other organs of the body work, too. Even the brain works because of the heart. The heart of a society is not its offices and factories. We need oil. The country budget is supplied from oil sale but it is wrong to think that the oil wells are the heart of the society. The heart of the society is these very youth who are making the tomorrow. The society is alive because of its youth. If youth be exanimate, reticent, apathetic, lethargic and depressed, the society will be exanimate, reticent, apathetic and lethargic as it is dead although it may breathe.

If youth doesn’t have hope for a better and brighter future, if they be ingrained that their effort leads to nowhere and it is result less, then nothing worthy will come out of the University and institute. Then Universities and institute will turn to big and failed offices. If we have signing machine in offices then we will have mark and research and teaching machine at Universities. Cumbersome and useless machines that attack the society like cancer glands. Because of that we must consider the Supreme Leader’s emphasis on scientific alacrity and juiciness at Universities more severely.

The scientific centers need intelligent security which can identify and eliminate the despair and depression viruses. Hopelessness is bad for all even for the seventy-year old people and must be defeated. But it is worse and more dangerous for the scientific and technological forces of the country who are the cause of reputation, authority and progress of the country. Disappointed teachers will disappoint the society. Frustrated scientists will frustrate everyone…. If you want to have a brisk and advanced and healthy country, before anything else plant the hope seeds in kids and teenagers’ heart. Leave the rest to the providence that God has toward his hopeful everymen and to bless that he gives to the hopeful people’s business.


The Presidency Scientific and Technological Vice President’s Consultant

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  • News code : 18099


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