  • Sep 11 2017 - 15:35
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An Opportunity for Diplomacy of Science

An Opportunity for Diplomacy of Science

* Sorena Sattari

Summit of countries of Islamic conference was held for the first time in Astana, Kazakhstan September 10th-11th, 2017 on topics of science, technology and innovation. Today, science, technology and innovations are keys to constant development and creation of occupations in countries, regarded as an efficient tool for overcoming many challenges, such as lack of jobs, poverty, lack of water and stable energy sources, food safety and environmental considerations.

As one of the leading countries in the area of science and technology in the era before Islam, and during the Islamic civilization and years after the Islamic revolution, Iran has significantly invested in the development of science, technology and innovation. In the current situation and due to special measures taken by the government of hope and prudence and with regard to significant developments in technological and scientific fields, development of knowledge-based and innovative companies in Iran has led to a huge storage for economic and technological development. Iran is also regarded as one of the leading countries in science, technology and innovation in the Islamic world. This unique status is a rare opportunity for development of scientific and technological cooperation of Iran with other Islamic nations.

The new approach of organization of Islamic cooperation in holding these meetings has also emphasized on science, technology and innovation, creating a good opportunity for Iran and all Islamic countries to use mutual linguistic, cultural, religious concepts as a lever to mutually develop science, technology and innovation. There are many mutual challenges, including environment, water sources, food safety, productive employment and stable development, which are faced by the majority of Islamic nations and require special attention, cooperation and interaction of all Islamic countries. In this regard, science, technology and innovation can play a significant role to solve the mentioned challenges and lead to the proximity and political alliance of these countries.

Meetings with the goal of evaluation of outlooks and purposes of development of science, technology and innovation have been held in developed countries and the United Nations at the level of heads of states for a long time. However, this is a new endeavor by Islamic countries, requiring the attention and support of leading Islamic countries in science, technology and innovation, including Iran. Presence of Islamic republic of Iran at the highest political level in this summit is indicative of serious attention of the government of hope and prudence to the subject of diplomacy of science, technology and innovation.


The main goal of travel of Rouhani, president of Iran, and his delegation to Kazakhstan was evaluation and providing opinions on the 10-year joint document of science, technology and innovation of countries that are members of the Islamic conference. This document and more emphasis on the development of science, technology and innovation is a golden opportunity for Iran to have a coherent program in order eliminate the future challenges in the areas of economy, environment, energy and water, while using science, technology and innovation diplomacy tools for development of collaborations at the international and Islamic world level to solve political discrepancies.

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 27288


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