Targeted migration is beneficial for both the origin and the destination
  • Jan 19 2020 - 20:24
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Targeted migration is beneficial for both the origin and the destination

Targeted migration is beneficial for both the origin and the destination


Proper policy-making can provide benefits for countries sending emigrants in addition to countries receiving them.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs quoted by news analytical headquarter, since the rates of entry and exit of immigrants to countries vary by number, level of education, gender and other factors, a general categorization in the literature on migrant countries is based on the difference in output and incomes of the immigrant population. This has brought many key questions and challenges to decision makers and policy makers worldwide and nationally.

Why do some people want to emigrate or have already emigrated? What are the impacts of the entry or exit of emigrants on economic and social effects on the origin and destination country? What benefits are provided to the origin and destination countries by sending and receiving emigrants?

This type of issues and challenges are significantly important, especially for economic and educational emigrations. Proper policy-making can also benefit from the benefits and benefits of immigration in addition to the recipient countries.

By increasing their workforce, the receiving countries can fill the gap in their labor market. In addition, sending countries can use billions of dollars of returns from the work and economic activity of their nationals abroad.

Proper policy-making for emigrant-sending countries include creating legal grounds for remittances, bilateral labor agreements, and incentives to adjust the population of immigrant colonies.

For sending countries, proper emigration leadership and issues such as keeping the rights of emigrants, supporting integrated immigration and managing the emigration current are considered.

Attracting International Students as a Solution to Compensate for Human Resource Shortage

In this respect, the lower rate of childbirth, aging population and decreased skilled human resources in developed countries have led to attracting international students as a solution to compensate for human resource shortage. These companies have corrected their immigrant-acceptance regulations to accelerate and facilitate the pace of related processes.

Studying abroad for underdeveloped countries is a step forward for students living in those countries with a high standard of living and a better job opportunity and research in a developed country.

On the other hand, the quality level of higher education is much lower than the demand level in most less-developed countries. Therefore, there is no other way than study abroad.

In addition to the above, the development of information and communication technology and the cost of travel have made travel easier for international migrants.

In today"s world, higher education is recognized as an export product, and developed countries are investing to attract students from less developed countries.

Three-quarters of German and English PhD Students Stay in the United States

The issue of elite migration is not limited to developing countries, and today, the departure of students from European countries to other European countries and the United States has raised concerns among many European countries.

According to a report released by the European Commission, three-quarters of German and English doctoral students remain in the United States.

High salaries, high standards of living, entrepreneurial culture and research across the frontiers of knowledge are among the things that make European students stay in the United States.

Of course, conditions in the country of origin are also important; Italian students leave their country because of obstacles such as slow job growth, low pay, poor government investment, and bureaucracy.

For many developed countries, the student market is not only an important source of economic income, but also a way to compensate for the shortage of labor in key areas.

In Australia, for example, a number of international students apply for permanent residency. This is due to a change in Australian immigration policies in 2001, where students are granted permanent residency if they are enrolled in a 6-month course.

Today, the challenge of many developing countries is to develop policies to fully exploit the positive effects of increased student mobility and mitigate the negative effects of over-educating.




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