Strategy of knowledge-based economy
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An Introduction to a Book

Strategy of knowledge-based economy

Strategy of knowledge-based economy

Passing the resource-based economy that relies on selling raw and less-produced materials is the only path toward innovative and knowledge-based economy. Especially for the economy of our country, which has targeted “inspiring in the Islamic world” and “having advanced knowledge”. Today, we have initiated the post-sanction period after a tyrannical period of sanctions against the country. Now, we must pay more attention to knowledge-based companies and helping the development and improvement of these businesses so that we could set ourselves free from selling natural products of the country and move toward knowledge-based production.

In other words, the path of “economic Jihad” and “economy of resistance” moves from the path of “knowledge-based economy and production”. Therefore, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs has performed various activities to financially and spiritually support knowledge-based companies, including the design of the Article for support of knowledge-based companies, financial support of knowledge-based companies, culture building and promoting the knowledge-based economy and presenting commercialization services required for companies. The Vice-presidency proposed holding meetings between knowledge-based companies and the Supreme Leader in Ramadan ceremony in 2012, which was fortunately welcomed and “the special Ramadan Meeting” has been allocated to this issue, which indicates the crucial position of this topic in the viewpoints of the higher authorities of the country. The strategies proposed by the Supreme Leader are a turning point in the path of developing knowledge-based companies, which have opened new horizons to this area, leading to more serious following up of implementing the law for supporting knowledge-based companies by the Vice-Presidency. By recognizing more than 1650 knowledge-based companies (up to September 2015), supportive laws, such as innovation fund, tax exemptions, and customs exemptions, have been activated, and this trend has been seriously followed by the efforts of the government of prude and hope. The first version of the book was published in 2012 with the topic of statements of the Supreme Leader in meeting with knowledge-based companies and activists (October 26, 2016). In addition, other statements of the Supreme Leader in the last few years on knowledge-based economy and production and relevant topics have been revised and evaluated. However, the most important and complete notes have been selected and presented in the book. During 2012-2015, the emphasis of the Supreme Leader on knowledge-based companies and production has increased. Therefore, it was necessary to add his new statements to the book. It is hoped that this book be used by science, technology, and innovation activists and it would be complete in the future.

With the help of God and his bounty

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs

September 2015

  • News group : Notes
  • News code : 43107


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