Long life to all.
  • May 17 2015 - 16:11
  • 483
  • Study time : 3 minute(s)
A Notice on the National Day of Public Relations

Long life to all.

Long life to all.

Parviz Karami

 Have you heard the old story that once upon a time a man entered a village. Crossing the graveyard, he noticed most of the dead having little ages. He asked the headman about this and the headman answered: “the age of all people here in this village is determined according to their own level of knowledge and his try to acquire knowledge and information in life.”

This old story is reproduced into another new approach in our today’s life. Groups and people’s age, capabilities and power are all directly related and estimated with their level of information and knowledge, technological innovations. The more knowledge and information they have, the longer they live and they remain in memories.

Communication; the most important tool and stronger than any other weapon today, has to be updated, fresh and reliable. Public Relations are offices and institutions that form various relations systematically and legally, they propagate and intricate events successfully. As a matter of fact, public relations are the same as ordinary thermometers in establishing equality between offices and societies.

Now that this institution has intrinsic validity and value, why shouldn’t we equip it with latest information and knowledge? For sure, it must be. Regarding various social networks all around, nobody is satisfied just using television, newspapers, journals, and weekly magazines. Social networks and social communication are changing these days and getting more “knowledge-based”.

Public relations and informatics centers have been the contact point between social ideas and people, cannot justify mistakes done by their offices anymore. And no one can tell lies these days. The dominance of mass media and hegemony is so deep and widespread that the least perturbation, lies and mistakes pop up so clearly that everyone can get so fast.

It needs to mention that public relation offices should always be on top, able to see everything happening around, in order to satisfy people’s needs and get their confidence and make institutions and administrations improve and progress. It is worth mentioning that staying on top and being able to monitor over the others need suitable technological, information equipments. Otherwise it does not work at all.

In order to apply communicability and giving services to all people, we should use different sciences. Fortunately, when we talk about technological sciences in Iran, nobody supposes an old man in a white uniform wearing thick glasses in a lab. People in Iran are all aware of the latest sciences and information in the world.

Sciences such as “cognition, soft and making identity, and FAVA” are used by public relations and experts in these fields have to investigate and use them now and then. Social Sciences, sociology and psychology are also used by public relations. Now that all groups of people support these sciences, why shouldn’t we do?

Many years ago The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran said in Mashhad: “what’s production? I do not mean consumer products, but it should involve production in labor, education, technology, wealth, cognition, opportunities, social status, material and human power. The main reason for production in this vast area is government and people’s hard struggle. This is a must for our national identity and empowerment. This is a big, great effort.”Jame Razavi, Mashhad. 21 March 2007

So public relations should follow production: communication, information, and validity and reliability. This way, we would be able to use knowledge and would not fall behind.

No doubt, in a society with good, correct and logical communication system, everybody would get his rights and everything would be under true information and sciences. That way, we would approve that the old story would come true and we would live long, long life.    

We congratulate you all on the national day of public relations and communication.



Consultant of the Vice Presidency of Sciences and Technology of the President and the Chief of Board of Directors of public Relations in Iran

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