Karami Iran growth 60 steps global innovation indicators shows c
  • Feb 9 2021 - 15:58
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Karami: Iran's growth of 60 steps in global innovation indicators shows the country's progress

The Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and the Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters in the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology spoke about Iran's favorable position in the global indicators of innovation.

 Parviz Karami, Head of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology refers to the role of innovation and creative industries in moving countries towards sustainable development, said: It defines and explains them in the close technological, economic, social and cultural battle between the countries of the world.

The Head of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, stating that one of the various criteria for understanding Iran's growing position is the Global Innovation Index report, said: Significant market share of creativity and innovation, the main criterion and index in It is progress, and in this direction, the support of skilled manpower and the development of the innovation ecosystem play a crucial role.

Karami pointed out that according to the report of the Global Innovation Indicators "Gii", Iran's inclusion in the top 100 clusters of science and technology in the world is a sign of the country's innovative and creative progress, continued: Iran showed and Tehran is in the ninth place of the regions or the top clusters of science and technology in emerging developing countries, showed that Iran is on the path of innovation.

 Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology, Iran's growing trend in the path of creativity and innovation, according to the Global Innovation Indicators "Gii" in recent years, reflects our country's valuable move towards progress and added: "Iran's growth in recent years reports Global Innovation Indicators to show the right direction and prioritization of this field with the support of the Vice President for Science and Technology. So that the beginning of Iran's path was in the world جایگاه position and today we are in the. Rank. "The issue is the result of the work of all universities, knowledge-based companies, and startups."

 The Head of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters continued by stating that the Global Innovation Index report, which is published every year, addresses the situation of countries in terms of innovation based on various criteria and bases: In this report, The activities and efforts of 131 countries are reviewed. These countries account for a significant share of the world's movement, which is why this report explains 90% of the world's population as well as more than 95% of the world's GDP.

Karami also stated: The global innovation index consists of 7 indicators that are classified into two categories: input and output. Institutional elements, human capital and research, infrastructure, market complexity, and business complexity are among the inputs that represent the ability of a country's economy to engage in innovative activities.

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology further emphasized: In the group of outputs that show the product of the efforts of innovative activities of countries, knowledge and technology outputs and creative outputs are considered. Iran ranks 120th in the world in this index; Iran is ranked 106th, 117th, and 125th in the world in the institutional sub-indices of the political environment, regulatory environment, and business environment, respectively.




Karami added: "According to the report of the Global Innovation Index in 2020, Iran is ranked 46th in the world in the Human Capital and Research Index, which has always been one of the country's strengths in this report." Our country has risen to 48th place in the research and development sub-index and is ranked 83rd in the education index and 7th in the world in higher education. Iran also ranked third in the world in the number of science and engineering graduates.

According to the Head of Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, Iran is ranked 69th in the Infrastructure Index. Iran ranks 80th in the ICT sub-index and 31st in the infrastructure index in the global competition. In the sub-index of environmental sustainability, Iran is ranked 92nd in the world. Our country is also ranked 10th in the Gross Capital Formation Index and also ranked 39th in the Information and Communication Technology Access Index.

 The head of the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology continued: "One of the important indicators in the GII report is the attention to market complexity, in which Iran ranks 108th in the world." Iran also ranked 77th in the credit sub-index, ranking 107th in trade, competition, and market size. Iran has been ranked 115th in the world in the investment sub-index. The 18th country in the domestic market scale index in the sub-index of trade, competition, and the market size is also one of Iran's achievements. In the weighted average index of import tariff rate, Iran is ranked 129th in the world.

 Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology, noting that Iran is ranked 112th in the world in terms of business complexity index, said: And in the sub-index of knowledge absorption, it is among the top 100 countries in the world. In the sub-index of innovation links, it was ranked 117th and in the research cooperation index of Iran University and Industry, it was ranked 122nd.

Karami continued: Iran is among the top 59 countries in the world in terms of knowledge and technological output. In the sub-index of the impact of knowledge, it reached 86th place, and in the sub-index of knowledge dissemination, it is ranked 117th in the world.

The Head of Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, stating that Iran is ranked among the top 25 countries in the world under the Knowledge Creation Sub-Index, added: Technique published in expert journals Iran has achieved a favorable position in the sub-index of knowledge creation. In the Knowledge Impact sub-index, Iran was ranked 115th.

 Pointing out that Iran is among the top 48 countries in the world in this index, Karami said: In the index of trademarks registered in national and regional offices, Iran is in the first place in the world. Intangible assets are also among the top 13 countries in the world. Iran ranks 14th in the world in the sub-index in the index of registered industrial projects. Also in the sub-index of creative goods and services in the 114th category and online creations with 6 steps, it has reached 71st place in the world.


Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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  • News code : 72802

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