Creative ecosystem along knowledge-based path Karami Production
  • Aug 11 2021 - 13:12
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Creative ecosystem along the knowledge-based path; Karami: Production Leap Law would turn to become a supporter and developer of creative companies and cultural and soft industries

At the end of the first chapter of the strategic meetings for the slogan of the year on the role of creative industries, the Secretary of the Soft and Identification Technologies Development Headquarters spoke about the strategic importance of these industries and the need to pay attention to it in law.

Parviz Karami in this meeting, which was held in the presence of members of the Board of Directors of Imam Sadegh (AS) University Production Boom, referring to the need to support the law of production leap from creative companies and soft and cultural industries, said: Strengthen the country, all over the country, including areas where there is no capacity to develop knowledge-based businesses or paper industries, can benefit from creative youth and innovative and local advantages and with the help of these businesses increase employment, value and ultimately authority and dignity for the country.

The Secretary of the Soft and Creative Technologies Development Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology said that special attention is paid to the ecology of creative companies and cultural industries and continued: "These businesses can help the country's economy and rely on the country's strong culture and historical background Economy and be authoritative for the country. In all parts of Iran, where it is not possible to form knowledge-based companies, it is possible to develop creative companies.

Karami, stating that the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has been the flag bearer and implementer of the implementation of the law to support knowledge-based companies in the past decade with the guidance and support of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, added: With the valuable support of the Supreme Leader, the result was the creation of more than 6,000 knowledge-based companies and thousands of startups.

He continued: "The law to protect knowledge-based companies, but only to support companies with technological sophistication and production of products for the first time is focused, which is practically a place to support creative companies and cultural industries whose technology and ideas are innovative and creative. It creates value and employment, it has no place; At the same time, we have many capabilities in the field of cultural and soft industries, and to support and flourish this capacity, a working group was formed and arrangements were made so that creative companies would also receive a significant part of the support of knowledge-based companies.

 Referring to the definition of entry points for creative companies in various fields, Karami said: "Trustees in various fields, including toys, games, handicrafts and tourism, fashion and clothing, education, digital and online businesses, as well as large knowledge-based companies are the source of identifying creative companies in ten areas." Creative industries were created to create a more ecological environment for creative companies and soft and cultural industries, the role of these businesses in our country's economy, employment, culture and international interactions.

Karami spoke of creating creative and innovation houses across the country with the aim of creating a platform for the development of creative companies, adding: "Today, 12 creative houses in the country provide the necessary support for the development and prosperity of creative businesses, soft industries and culture." We hope that this network will be extended to the whole country. Creative homes are infrastructures that pave the way for the ups and downs of ideas to product and from product to market for cultural and soft industry products.

 The Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters considered the announcement of the National Document for the Development of Cultural and Soft Technologies by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution as a basis for creative companies and cultural and soft industries. And smooths the work and more than 20 executive bodies and the ministry to help ecological work and creative companies, soft industries and culture.

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology stressed the need for the Leap of Production Law to pay attention to the development of creative businesses and soft and cultural industries, and continued: This law pays more attention to the status of the creative ecosystem, and the words creative companies, soft and cultural industries, and creative and innovation houses come along with knowledge-based companies to support the development of creative ecosystems for knowledge-based companies. And also help the culture in the country.

Karami continued by stating that the path of creative companies is along the development process of knowledge-based companies: "There is a significant budget in the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, but this capacity can help creative companies."

The Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, referring to the flourishing of the country's lesser-seen capacities with the help of creative ecosystem development, added: "More than half of our university graduates are girls of our society." Being a mother, with the help of creative companies and the use of cyberspace, they can keep pace with the development of the country's economy and the development of creative companies.

 Emphasizing that culture and art are not costly, but wealth-creating and employment-creating, Karami continued: "If we have creative houses in the cities that cover all the following areas of culture and humanities, we can make a dramatic change." Let's count, because more than fifty percent of the output of universities are graduates of the fields of culture, art and humanities and are scattered in the geography of the country.

 Referring to the role of these companies in promoting and disseminating rich culture and religious values, he added: "Creative companies can, for example, pay attention to museums and virtual exhibitions by using virtual reality technologies, augmented reality and many pilgrimages." Make it possible by using advanced technologies and with the help of creative companies. With the help of creative, talented and capable young students who are innovative, with the least government resources, they can create a creative and innovative house or creative company and make the dreams of all young people who want to start their own business a reality.

Emphasizing the economics of the creative and cultural industries, Karami said: "We should not limit ourselves to the community of 85 million Iranians, and we should pay attention to the market of 400 million neighbors and the community of billions of Muslims who share our culture and religious roots." We also need to think about the global market for cultural industries and bring our country's $ 150 million share closer to the global market of more than $ 2.7 trillion in this area.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology 

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