  • Sep 22 2018 - 12:13
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Regarding a Threat that Can Be Turned into an Opportunity

We Are All Responsible

We Are All Responsible

Parviz Karami

These days, criticism is a hot topic and everyone criticize the governmental officials as far as possible, pointing out their errors and mistakes. The government is not just recognized by the people as the executive branch. It is true that we are mainly involved with governmental organizations and our businesses depend on the decisions and performance of the government, we sometimes tend to put the faults of other organizations and even the judiciary and legislative organizations on the government.

An interpretation is that the government is the shield of the system, and any type of criticism, even if issued by others, are pointed to the government. One of the responsibilities of the government is this acting as a shield “in front of all arrows”. One of the democratic needs is being open to the criticism of people and tolerating their words.

One of the areas that can showcase the authority of the democratic system- in our case, the religious democratic system, is the hot market of criticism, where the majority of people address the highest executive authority of the country without thinking about its consequences, bugging him about economic, political, and social problems of the country. The history of democracy in the country is relatively new. We achieved democracy after the Islamic revolution and establishment of an Islamic republic in the country.

After two thousand and five hundred years of despotism and monarchy, we have passed a clear and proper path if evaluated by any measure and criterion. Until before the revolution, we have no experience of parliament or separation of subjective power. The Pahlavis turned the achievement of Iranian Constitutional Revolution into a constituent assembly, practically eliminating the effect and role of people in this regard. Not only people were not in control of their own destiny, but also they were unable to send representatives to the parliament and ask them to follow up their demands. Even in this parliament, they did not agree to some democratic regulations (just to keep face) and ask the government if not the king. However, over the last four decades, we can be compared to the countries with more than two centuries of democracy due to many experiments and mistakes in the field of democracy.

We live in an area that the kings of the tyrants set their line for their country. Some of the regional countries with large oil reserves not only do have a parliament, but also are living in the era of ignorance and the order of their kings is like the order of God. In Iran, the process of selecting all governmental officials and authorities is a democratic procedure, where people play a role in the selection of authorities and the political and social path, whether directly or indirectly. Therefore, it is the absolute right of the parliament to ask about the economic problems from the cabinet or the president himself. Meanwhile, an important issue should not be neglected; political-social cooperation is not limited to elections or follow up with popular demands.

While both are important, another pillar of democracy is civil responsibility. Our responsibilities are not eliminated due to selecting a president and following up of our demands through the parliament. It is important to criticize the power but it will not remove our responsibilities. Democracy is not putting all burdens on the shoulders of the government.

One of the most serious threats to our society is gradually turning into nagging people and constantly criticizing the government. In addition, a high level of criticism could be turned into a habit and lose its touch. Getting used to any medicine will lead to the elimination of its effect. Critics will be addicted to criticism and the government authorities will get used to the criticism and will be indifferent toward it. The most important threat to our society is having nagging and demanding people on one side and indifferent authorities from the other side. To prevent this to happen, we must adhere to religious teachings and bear in mind that: “each of you is responsible and you will be asked about people who listen to your words”. Not only we need to keep in mind this religious principle, but also we must use it in our lives and works. If the economic condition is not favorable, of course the government has a huge burden on its shoulder, but you and I are also responsible and must dedicate efforts to correct it.

We even need to ask ourselves what have we done to correct it or how much we are responsible for its happening. ““Bring yourself to account before you are taken to account.” It is not appropriate to criticize the government so that the responsibility of some others is neglected. We must all play a role in the improvement of our community. In this regard, the academic-scientific society play a more significant role and are more responsible for helping the government passing these hard times.

On the other hand, the government must provide the necessary mechanism for the presence of maximal cooperation of people. The fact is that no government is able to pass the crisis alone. In this respect, the government must use both mind and religion to bring the majority of people to the field of action and benefit from their abilities.

If that happens, there will be an increase in the unity of the people. We can say the term: “in God’s hands intended evil becomes eventual good” when the government and the people are able to turn the threats by the United States of America into opportunities, using the economy of resistance to bring the ship of the Islamic Republic from this turbulent sea to the shore safely.

If the government and the people are witty enough, they can shoot two, or even a hundred, of birds with one stone. First, they can destroy the enemy’s threat and second, they can use the opportunity for accountability and unity. They can eliminate the unfavorable habits, such as lavishness, attachment, laziness, frustration, weakness, and desire forever and act more informed and experienced to make a brighter future, if God wills.

*Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs  


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