  • Oct 27 2015 - 16:54
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  • Study time : 4 minute(s)
Visiting Top Elites with the Supreme Leader of Islamic Republic of Iran

Victorious Youths and the Old Knowledgeable

Victorious Youths and the Old Knowledgeable

We are really happy that our society is full of youth and we do not worry about lack of energetic and fresh young labor forces. Iranian youths are fresh and everything they do brings happiness and freshness. No doubt, economic growth and scientific, academic achievement would certainly occur in a fresh and hopeful environment. Old and societies get bored and wrecked automatically.

The societies getting old are actually worried about lack of development and achievement. The old had done their responsibilities and have no more future. On the contrary, the youth are highly capable and have new horizons. They have many motifs and are looking for fame and wealth. They have “new commitment” and clear bright views regarding Islam.

They are pure, sinless and free from sensual wishes. The main reason why the old are conservative is that they got far from their commitments. But we should not forget that old people have long-term experience, wisdom and awareness. And they do not get these capabilities the same. Some old people wasted their long life uselessly, but some did not. They tried very hard and now after so many years of experience they are old.

All creatures, trees, animals and people get old. Passing time does not necessarily mean that old people are prior to the youths. Sometimes getting old means losing your memory. A person who wasted his/her time doing nothing does not gain any knowledge. On the contrary the one who did not stand still and worked really hard getting the knowledge and information in the world and had acquired religious good dead and nice behavior, even after getting old, would become wiser and more knowledgeable. So it means that getting older and older, they would understand more of the world, so old people are actually true treasures.

Old people suffered a lot during their long life and have the knowledge to understand the inside, not the appearance. That’s why in ancient times old people were respected and other people utilized their experiences. According to Saadi, everyone who likes to have a good, nice life should live twice. Writing a good correct letter requires a lot of exercise and practice. Life is so, too. We should utilize experiences in your life. According to Saadi “old people living in the past can be great samples for the youth”.

We select our old friends regarding advisors because they exactly know the right path. The person living and listening to old generation would live twice, because old people look at the world and life wisely and correctly. That’s why great elites recommend the youth to always listen to old knowledgeable people. The youth can gain and achieve new horizons in support of old people.

I mean that we should respect old people in Iran. Everyone who works hard and puts economy, industry and Agriculture into action, is certainly the “new committed” youth. A concept such as knowledge-based economy, introducing new jobs and making wealth in Iran is surely the product of Iranian youths. They have a lot of energy and are equipped with knowledge and science. In no other period in our country, we had such tremendous young, hard-working people. Past young people also did really well during the Islamic Revolution. But the main reason for their success was The Old Supreme Leader, The Great Khomeini who all young people listened to and obeyed him.

Today’s world has its own issues.

On the surface, everything has changed these days. Some concepts have been changed. But in reality, it is the same as past and we got a lot of experience. If we mix this experience with the freshness and power of the youths, then we would be able to do everything we hope. We always pray Allah that we have such kind, honest and lovely young people that do miraculous jobs. All hard impossible works can be done with the help of these Iranian youths. They all know a lot about modern concepts.

Many have changed today and young people adapted themselves accordingly. If everyone is on his position, then all impossible works would be done fast and well. That is called justice. In fact, Iranian administrative officials know the right of elites and pray Allah all the time for this. Considering high-rank administrative officials they know the value of these young people and always recommend others to do so. We all should avoid hopelessness and sadness.

If you pay attention to words of The Supreme Leader in the latest meeting of young elites, he emphasized not to ignore the youth. We should not take their opportunities, but make the circumstance ready, so that they have the suitable environment for job and work. To mention clearly, if we need to get development, have the knowledge-based economy, get to the latest information in Iran, there is no way to help young people. Young people also need to respect old people, too. Respecting old knowledgeable administration, we can decrease our mistakes and make our future. Old people understand the youths and young elites respect and listen and obey old people.


Media Advisor for Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology           

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