  • Dec 27 2015 - 17:08
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The necessity for appropriate using of elite scientists

The necessity for appropriate using of elite scientists

Parviz Karami

Today we appreciate the scientists and remind ourselves their worth. Even we make separated legal circumstances for scholars and non-scholars. Rules and facilities that the legislature and the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council approve for the scholars and scientists, is a sign of their respect to the people of a community.

Individuals are equal against the law and there is no difference between them. It is not like this that scientists have two vote rights and ordinary people have one. When public subsidies are paid, professor of a University get as much as a worker. There is no distinction between individual about offenses. The greatest scientist of the country if pass a red light, they should pay fine just like a normal taxi driver should. But when it comes to instruction and development then individuals who have better performance and ability will become more important.

 Military services rule is general for everyone and its exceptions are determined by the legislator. Literate and illiterate should serve as soldiers and pay their homage to the country. But the elites and scholars can pay this homage out of garrison and without military uniform. This is his first thing that conscious community should do that sits everyone in his place and use individuals capabilities in its own place. These are obvious things and no one is against them.

All agreed doctors should be where and in what ways they should serves society. Place of engineer and philosopher, and poet and artist is known too. Society and managers of society should not let peoples talent waste. This is a very important issue. If people do not take their own place and do not be able to show their talents they would become depressed and disappointed.

If you investigate in depressed society you will see that it is because people were not able to show their talent and they could not achieve their dreams. When a person who is prone to carpentry be deprived from wood and saw and nails and hammers and workshop and forced to become a clerk or teacher, he will be depressed. A good and active and conscious society will not allow people talent waste.

More importantly it would not let scientists talent waste. If you do not give a laboratory to a chemist, if you prevent, If you deprive astronomers from observing the sky, if you do not allowed philosophers theorizing and talking, youve waste them. Unfortunately, in our society always the conditions were not provided for realization of potential talent. You can see a lot of people that for these reasons could not develop their talent. Some talents do not need facilities and costs. The poet does not want much, privacy and chisel and a good mood will be enough.

Painter needs something more than the privacy and a good mood. The astronomer needs Observatory. Physicist needs laboratory and… facilities and conditions are not related to the finance. The poet will not be satisfied with poetry. This poetry should be published, and audiences should read it and critics should criticize it. Once the painter painted, his work is not over. He needs exhibit for audience to come and see and speak and tell their opinion. Scientific research should result in work and invention and progress. If scientists could not affect the economy, production and development, they will not feel their usefulness.

We have the elite National Foundation. It will be very good if will always appreciate these elites. The media can increase the value of these science elites. We can consider extraordinary facilities for the elites. People will not object. But after a while these formalities and pleasantries will exchanged to the problems that prevent progress and development of the country. Real dignifying is to give elite his right place to be useful and feel useful. Scores do not make elites. It is not important to be a high-ranked student. If a brilliant student shows his score to the grocer, the grocer will not give him anything. He will just say well done.

He will not get paid because of good scores. If the chemists say his homeowner I have been able to get complicated formula in organic chemistry, can not evade from payment of rent Actual events of society is not related to the scientific research and educational success. This means that students should enter the job market, and chemist should find customers for the formula. The influence of science and technology in society should be seen. If that happens, both will have such good condition that they wont need foundation or government facilities.

On this basis the respect for science and the scientist must be real. If the community understands and sees that scientists are helpful and can solve problems then he honors the scientists and researchers without order and advertising. People - even the common people - respect Edison and mention him as a great man. Right or wrong, people believe that Edison invented the electric brought light to their homes. People do not think how much scientific work and research Edison has done. But because they enjoy the grace of electricity, they value Edison. Scientists, even humanities scientists if work abstract they would never be appreciated by society. They will see the appreciation when they are useful. We respect scientists today that can say after hours of research and study find a solution to air pollution or find a cure for a disease or lay down a burden for people. Thank God everything is ready for research and development. Now is a good time for everyone to sit in their places and do their work. Our societys culture has promoted so that it honors science and the scientist. Society managers know what value elites have. Now the most important thing is that to provide preliminaries for the public, especially for scientists so that they can enter real works, pay their homage to the fatherland and make positive effects on progress and development and see the society and economics from a knowledge based angle.


The Secretary for the Administration of Development of Culture, Science, Technology and Economy

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  • News code : 18101


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