  • Sep 21 2014 - 15:24
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  • Study time : 4 minute(s)

The light of the path of Science and Technology System"

The light of the path of Science and Technology System"

Notes of Dr.Sattari- the president’s vice president for science and technology affairs and head of the National Elites Foundation about general policies of science and technology was published on the first page of Iran newspaper.

According to the public relations of National Elites Foundation, Dr. Sattari’s note about announcing the general policies of science and technology from the supreme leader of the revolution is as following:

Soorena Sattari, the president’s vice president for science and technology affairs and head of the National Elites Foundation

Almost all of the experts believe that the emphases and recommendations of the Supreme Leader of Iran were the most important factor of growth and progress of the science and technology system of the country during the recent decades and you can hardly find someone in the world that values science and technology and observe little and big changes and set up detailed meetings with activists of this field like academics and officials of knowledge-based companies and express necessary emphases and notions as much as the supreme leader of Iran.

Announcing the general policies of science is another massive step for organizing and promoting this field and is as the light of the path of science and technology system during the next year which I have to appreciate the Supreme Leader as one of the official of this country. Announcing these policies was supplementary for the supreme leader’s previous attempts for this field progress. The Supreme Leader had compile and announced general policies in different fields after consulting with the expediency discernment council and skilled experts and during recent years he had stated valuable policies and guidances in repetitive and numerous meetings with officials and activists of this field. But integrated concluding and announcing them is an important step in giving solidarity to the massive policy making field. Surely, updating the comprehensive scientific map of the country (which comes in the second provision of announcing massive policy) will be done based on these massive policies  and compilation and execution of a quinquennial program for developing the country including the sixth and seventh programs will be done based on these policies.

The given hints in these policies are numerous, but some important hints in these policies should be regarded specifically:

1.The Supreme Leader has emphasized on “Achieving advanced sciences and technologies by special planning and policy making” which fortunately, the president’s vice presidency for science and technology affairs has established strategic technologies headquarters for plenty of advanced technologies and national science and technology priorities authorized in the comprehensive scientific map of the country (like bio, aerospace, Nano,…) which these headquarters as post-organization and post-ministry places should make the advanced technologies development possible in association with all of the organizations.

2.Another policy emphasized by the Supreme Leader was supporting establishment and development of science and technology parks and states which has fortunately been considered specially in recent years in the country and during next years, it should be dealt increasingly with professional management of these parks and removed their current problems which pursuing the “compilation and approval of the law of establishing  the office for technology parks” (like the industrial states law) may be the most important step in this field.

3. “Identifying the Elites and nurturing exceptional talents and preserving and absorbing human capital” is another policy announced by the Supreme Leader which can be called as the main mission of the National Elites Foundation that should become operational with the cooperation of all organizations.

4. “Reinforcing the culture of knowledge-based business” is one of the important hints emphasized by the leader which development and reinforcement of knowledge-based companies during these years has been pursued by the president’s vice presidency for science and technology affairs.

5.The Supreme Leader emphasized: “Increasing the share of services and products manufacturing based on advanced knowledge and domestic technology in gross domestic product with the aim of reaching the share of 50 percent which in fact can build the self-reliance of Islamic Iran and materialization of the resistive economy based on that and economy based on selling natural resources should move to knowledge-based economy.

There are so many things to say about the hints broached in the general policies announced by the supreme leader but we should thank the supreme leader specially for this vigilance and sympathy for science and technology system and announcing these policies.




  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 18078


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