  • Mar 26 2020 - 18:38
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The growth and development of the "production leap" requires giving value for the private sector

The growth and development of the "production leap" requires giving value for the private sector


"In order to grow and expand production in our country, we need to give more value to the private sector and to knowledge-based companies; they must try more to meet the needs of the country," Headquarter chief of culture for knowledge-based economy said. 

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Paviz Karami, Advisor of Vice-president of science and technology in an interview with Skynews, Referring to the determination of the slogan of the year by the leader of the revolution called "Year of Production Boosting": Fortunately this year, leader of the Islamic Revolution, in the tradition of recent years, led the slogan the attention of the society to the important issue of the year about economy and production. The marking will be aimed at directing public opinion and encouraging organizations and institutions to focus on the issue of production and circulation of the country"s economy.

He said: The prerequisite for a "production boosting" is a process that began last year with a focus on the "boom in production" in the country, and we needed to continue it.

Fortunately, good actions were initiated last year by private and public sector manufacturers, and especially knowledge-based companies, in the country regarding the sanctioned goods and special needs of the country. As well as addressing the country"s need for medical masks and kits and anti-corona devices.

He added that the existence of 5000 knowledge-based companies in the country has created a spirit of hope and joy among the creative and specialized youth. Also, 4.5 million students at different academic levels and more graduates have created good potential and talent for the country That should be the focus of government officials and policymakers.

Karami continued: The infrastructure created by the top universities of science and technology parks, specialized accelerators and research centers, especially ecosystem of-technology and innovation, not only created a spirit of hope and persistence among religious, specialist and creative youth in the country, but also returned more than 1500 Iranian specialists and graduates living abroad from the top 100 universities in the world who are currently employed in academic centers or their own knowledge-based companies or startups. The young Iranian specialist seeks out the scientific environment of being effective rather than seeking money and earning abroad. He needs an environment where he can present his ideas and scientific achievements and technology. Now this ecosystem is formed and growing in Iran.

"The best place for these people to go after science, research centers and universities is to attend knowledge-based companies," he said. The stronger and more numerous these companies are, the more likely they will be to employ young university graduates in their country. The presence of knowledge-based scientists in the country, on the other hand, will increase the production of science and technology, thereby increasing the authority of the country.

Karami continued: More than 300,000 direct jobs, especially for university graduates in postgraduate and doctoral degrees, have been the result of their knowledge-based work and their 120000 billion Tomans in revenue and turnover for the country.

Advisor to the Vice President of Science and Technology said: “There are over 6,000 startups and 1000 of new startups and creative industries in the various fields of humanities, arts, and in the country.” Together, these companies have empowered graduates of various disciplines to continue their journey, produce and serve the country and meet its needs.

Karami added: "Last year, the government identified and took action to fix as many challenges as possible for knowledge-based corporations, initiated remedial measures, and refined intrusive production laws to hinder production and start-up businesses."

The private sector paid more and the production leap was a prerequisite for the strengthening of the private sector and knowledge-based companies; Last year, knowledge-based companies showed considerable interest in manufacturing and producing needed products, products, and sanctions, which we hope will continue in the new year.

The Chief for Communication and Information center of Vice-Presidency said: Production jumps occur when the three main aspects of society and their functions and duties are performed well to provide construction for Made in Iran. Preventing smuggling, eliminating waste bureaucracy and creating transparency in utilizing the second facilities for generation of Iranian entrepreneurs and producers while paying attention to quality of production and standardization of Made in Iran goods and services, focusing on customer service and after sales services, and focusing on innovation and promotion to control and not allow to decline the quality of Iranian manufactured goods and services.

Karami pointed to the third aspect and said: "People and the public should try to think of protecting Iranian goods as in previous years, and made the slogan of Iranians Buy Iranians as their and society dominant culture We must appreciate Iranian Goods. It may have imperfections even in the early years of production, but for the growth of the country"s economy, people need to support it by purchase and support goods, but at the same time demand the government to monitor and promote it at the same time.

The head of Made in Iran Construction Festival and Exhibition added: "Knowledge-based companies must be supported in order to improve the quality of goods and services exported to other countries, as it is essential for the growth and development of knowledge base in other international markets.

Karami also pointed out that the role of the media as the visionary eye of society and the claimant is crucial. Observing responsibilities and assignments and hinting right and wrong on these three aspects guarantees success. Knowledge-based companies in Iran are the embodiment of the spirit of technology and innovation, so they must work together to strengthen the health of the judiciary, parliament, and people.


  • News group : NEWS,Notes,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 50120


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