  • Oct 26 2015 - 16:52
  • 478
  • Study time : 4 minute(s)

Sea is Sea

Sea is Sea

*Parviz Karami

Sea is blessing. Sea is work. Sea is income. Sea is communication. Sea is culture. Sea is life. There is no exaggeration. These are parts of the whole sea. Sea is sea. That’s it. We are in an era that our country requires the creation of communicative hegemony and technology in addition to the urgent need to providing job and income.

Since sea has the water and oil and gas and food and economy and culture together, it has an exclusive and unique importance in the strategic map of the world. Two third of the world is owned by waters and in fact the community of seas. However, a scant part of this span has relaxed in the shadow of human’s presence and abilities. This scant part sometimes plays such a vital and crucial role for nations that worth a world. Our country gas exploited some advantages of the benefit and importance of the sea because of our ancestors’ effort and marchery and our dear Islamic Iran has turned to one of the most strategic lands of the world. Now we have everything and should take some provision form this everything. The truth is that we have neglected this dear blessing so far. Time is passing fearlessly and apace and the countries of the region and the world are permanently blowing the fire of their progress locomotive’s engine in this field. What have we obtained of this blessing named sea?

Sea can provide a range of countless jobs for us beside all of its blessings and since this issue is our system’s leaders’ demand and is in the vein of national interest should be turned to a concern that flows through the public thoughts and the society’s atmosphere so that wear the truth color. Culture-making in this field is very important and we are in materialization of this aim at the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs seriously and unstoppably. Fortunately, all of the members of the respectful government are bound and determined to make the Makran coasts to Chabahar port more succulent and more pleasant by the breeze of blossom and occupation in their first and firm step. Knowing this notion is very important that for making occupations and eliminating the economical and environmental defects of our country by the sea, knowledge-based thought propagation to this field is needed. The knowledge-based economy is our only way of progress and the removal of obstacles and problems. Hence, sea mustn’t separate itself from this issue. For accelerating this thought, the cultural blossom should be provided among the industrial activists, technologists and local people.

Thank God that the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs has allocated one of its strategic technology headquarters under the title of marine headquarter to the subject of sea. Some massive national plans such as ocean liner, production of shrimp and trout without any specific diseases, the amphibious plane, the monitoring network and marine anticipating and researching ocean liner are among the massive plans that will bring health and wisdom for all of the people of the society beside creating occupation and knowledge-based blossom in the field of sea. The last notion is that students are the apple of eyes of all of us.

The fact is that the all of the agonies and difficulties and concerns of the officials and leaders of the holy system of Islamic Republic of Iran are for relief and safety and gratification of these very students that will lead the revolution’s ship in near future and must safely and healthily advance our beliefs and history and identity in this wavy deceptive sea. Therefore, setting up the marine student festival which its first session will be experienced this year, is a movement toward the sublimation of the culture and economy and science and technology of the society. We require obtaining conscience and awareness and capability and effort and honor of the kids as much as they need the adults’ support so that we can be relieved for the future. Future will be ours if we find today correctly. I hope that the dear students, technologists, industrialists, officials and all of the respectful people who works for the Islamic Republic of Iran to remain honored and wise and powerful in the vein of achieving the human high aims of the Islamic Revolution.

*The Consultant of the Vice Presidency Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs and the President of the Knowledge-Based Science, Technology and Economy Culture Development Headquarter


The first marine student festival was held on October 13th and 14th, 2015 at the Museum garden of Holy Defense of Tehran by the effort of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs.





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