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Karami: Let's prevent limiting production and exports by refining the laws; 2.7 trillion dollar in turnover capability for the creative economy

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology believes that the Presidency should move towards the production of wealth from technology by knowledge-based and creative companies.

The fledgling knowledge-based and creative ecosystem has experienced great growth over the years. The growing brilliance of Made in Iran products in domestic and foreign markets, increasing technological capability in some areas such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and nuclear energy, development of knowledge-based and creative companies is a good indicator to show the progress of science and technology in the country. Despite all these developments, there are still major challenges in exploiting this achievement, and the future government, as the executive branch of the country, has a very important task in removing the existing obstacles to the development of knowledge-based and creative companies.

 In this regard, Fars News Agency, in a conversation with Parviz Karami, Advisor to the Vice President of Science and Technology and Secretary of Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, examined the main priorities of the future government for the development of the country's knowledge-based and creative ecosystem.

 Q: What are the responsibilities of the elected President of Iran and his cabinet for the growth and development of the ecosystem of knowledge-based and creative companies?

One of the ways to improve and help the economic, social, cultural and scientific situation of the country is to pay attention to the subject of science and technology. Until recently, we only had knowledge-based companies, but today creative companies have been added to this large ecosystem.

The creative economy is a powerful and very large economy with a turnover of $ 2.7 trillion. Last year, we made about $ 100 million in value through the creative industries, which unfortunately is far below our cultural, artistic and artistic capabilities. For this reason, this area is a very good market for the country, and governments should move towards supporting, infrastructure and directing these creative companies.

The creative economy is a powerful and very large economy with a turnover of $ 2.7 trillion, so it is a very good market for the country that governments need to move to support, infrastructure and guide these creative companies.

 Why are creative industries important?

In addition, the social impact of the creative industries and soft technologies is so important and valuable that smart and forward-looking statesmen and officials will never lose sight of it. What creative industries and economics can bring to our society is the shining diamond of self-confidence. "We can" and "strong Iran" emerge. It is in such circumstances that we can call ourselves a powerful, dynamic, revolutionary and prominent society. All these benefits and fruits of economics and creative industries, on the one hand, will give us lasting authority and security, and on the other hand, will provide us with a healthy and growing environment, and a strong economy. Many developed and leading countries of the world are also constantly working in this field and have achieved remarkable achievements.

 Successful background of Ayatollah Raeisi in the field of technology and innovation

Mr. Raeisi, due to his successful performance in the judiciary, has had excellent cooperation in the field of technology and innovation with the Vice President for Science and Technology. Recently, an innovation center was opened with the judiciary as a whole, and very good actions were taken with the cooperation of the Judiciary Research Institute, the Judiciary Information Technology Organization, and related organizations. For example, in the Prisons Organization, a creative and innovative house will soon be opened to promote the country's creative and cultural industries, so that prisoners can entertain themselves by doing small jobs and producing handicrafts, and can earn money by increasing their skills and education.

Another innovative and technological collaboration was formed with the Prisons Organization in the discussion of electronic bindings, according to which one of the knowledge-based companies, with the support of the scientific deputy, moved towards the production of these electronic bindings. Today, with the help of a startup, these domestically produced electrical ties are given to prisoners as a charity and by collecting money from people so that they can be with their families. These were some of the positive and innovative works that came with the arrival of Mr. Raeisi It started in the Prisons Organization of the Judiciary and will continue with the election of him as the elected President of the country.

 Generating wealth from the knowledge of knowledge-based and creative companies

To succeed and improve the situation, the new president of the country must move towards the production of wealth from knowledge by knowledge-based and creative companies. The difference between knowledge-based companies and creative companies is that knowledge-based companies must be very high-tech and require a lot of investment. The formation of a high-tech industry with a difficult economic situation has become very difficult today. But creative companies have made things much easier easily, relying on the local capabilities and capacities of different provinces of the country. Therefore, creative companies can operate anywhere in the country at a much lower cost. Creativity and innovation are the basic foundation of these companies and they have a lot of variety. On the other hand, setting up these companies is much less risky than knowledge-based companies.

Find out about Iranian toys / $ 350 million toy market in Iran

The toy world has a turnover of $ 100 billion. In Iran, the turnover of toys is $ 350 million, of which the share of Iranian-made toys is only $ 15 million. This means that up to $ 350 million, the toy market management will be completely at our disposal and we can standardize, provide appropriate infrastructure and support and encourage the producers of toy $ 350 million turnover in Iran for ourselves.

If we do not have toys with desirable, beautiful design and suitable and various materials, we will see the occupation of our cultural market by Western toys such as Barbie and so on. Let there be no doubt that the design of such toys is done by foreigners with the aim of developing a culture of violence, apostasy and anonymity in different cultures. The Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in the form of a creative program that has prepared and implemented various programs to organize cultural industries since last year, in which the field of toys is one of the priority parts of the program.

 In other fields such as cinema, animation, fashion and clothing, handicrafts, tourism, cultural heritage, books, content production, audio-visual media, etc. If we can take control of the domestic market, we can also provide these services to sell to neighboring countries.

The creative and innovation houses that are opening today next to the innovation centers have important tasks and help to better form the chain of ideas to products in the field of cultural industries, soft and creative technologies. These houses help to achieve a creative economy by providing the necessary infrastructure, providing equipment, networking, supporting marketing, supporting standardization, providing financial facilities, and so on.

* What do you expect from the future government for the development of knowledge-based and creative ecosystem in the country?

Pave the way for production and exports by refining the rules

In the first stage of rational formation of the laws of the parliament, the approvals of the government, the existing sections of the bylaws and by-laws should be given priority to the work of the future government.

We expect the future government to provide the necessary infrastructure for this in the first stage. This infrastructure is not just a financial facility, but more importantly a refinement of laws and regulations. We have a lot of cumbersome rules and regulations that need to be removed.

Therefore, in the first stage of rational formation of the laws of the parliament, the approvals of the government, the existing sections of the bylaws and by-laws should be the priority of the work of the future government. The future government should entrust this responsibility to a group of experts to quickly and with priority refine cumbersome laws, because some of these laws are very problematic for exports, some laws are problematic for production, some laws are problematic. They are problematic for the growth and development of companies. These obstacles must be addressed by the government.

The next point is that the future government should use officials, managers and experts who are worthy of this and do not look for a game party, a game relationship, and so on. The future government should use specialized people in technical, engineering, scientific, technological, etc. works and should not seek to use people from a current of thought and party, but should select experts and elites in that field.

 * How do you envision the future of the innovation and creative ecosystem in the country?

The future of this ecosystem will be very promising and hopeful, because the gardener who created this garden is still watching over it, and we hope that the agents who want to enter this garden will do their best to keep it fresh and flourishing.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, quoted by Fars News Agency

  • News group : NEWS,Notes,Interview,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 76802

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