  • Mar 3 2021 - 16:39
  • 748
  • Study time : 7 minute(s)

Good house for creative creators

Parviz Karami *

I think the worst international insult is the one word: "uncultured!" All the peoples of the world agree that culture is of vital importance to the human race. Uncultured, we are just animals that we talk about and nothing else. Culture has many qualities that everyone knows, but I want to focus on one of them; "creativity and innovation". Creativity and innovation are the boundaries that separate excellence from everyday life; Somewhere beyond stillness and stillness. Creativity and innovation are a way to rise and stand higher. Creativity and innovation are what make human beings Ashraf creatures and gives meaning to their caliphate from God. This is how culture rises to the highest throne somewhere and stands for centuries and millennia and remains rich, but elsewhere, it is so forgotten in the forgetfulness of history as if it never existed.

It is on this basis that that great history; The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: "If faith is hung on the star of Soraya, a group of Iranians will get it." The roots of culture in our country are so deep and wide that the growth and radiance of its fruits are not hidden from anyone; Even if some envious and hostile people want to sow doubt on this pure arena with cowardly propaganda and make the nations pessimistic about it.

Many documents show that creativity and innovation have played a pivotal and vital role in all aspects of the life of the people of this land. Although at some point, the curse of oil and resources led us to a temporary relaxation and carelessness, the Islamic Revolution and the era of holy defense brought the Iranian train back on track and the breeze of creativity and innovation blew in its streets. We have been proud to resist the oppressive sanctions that are the "successful defense" and the jihad of forty years of scientific and technological conquests.

Now let's look at the story differently. Imagine a country that the whole world is standing up to and boycotting, putting maximum pressure on it, threatening war, blocking its ways and sources of income and economy, suffering from drought, most of its neighbors, They are friends with the enemies and ...

According to the principles and foundations of governance, such land must have collapsed and disappeared. In that forest prevails. Poverty and famine are rampant. Everything in it is gloomy and sad. Illness and misery fall from the doors and walls of houses. The dead have been piled on the street floor due to coronary heart disease and similar diseases. The thick smoke of misery is scattered in the air. But what happened? Iran has an enviable position in modern science and technology. The satellite sends to Soraya. Manufactures and exports the most sophisticated drugs and vaccines and the most advanced medical equipment and devices. Builds airplanes. Builds ships. Builds trains. In front of each dead-end, it opens a new way.

It has about 6,000 knowledge-based companies, 1,400 creative companies, and 10,000 startups, each of which has new products and inventions and is producing them. Numerous and diverse creative companies and startups have opened the way to the most remote and difficult villages. The ecology of innovation and technology has blossomed and its fruits are waiting for Nowruz and May, which are nearby. Of course, there are problems, there are shortcomings. But this is the true face of the land of Iran, which is in its most difficult and sensitive historical moments and still stands and stands. Islamic Iran owes this pride to several things, one of the most important of which is having a "creative and innovative culture" and keeping it alive by its patient and resilient creators.

Now we are closer to Nowruz and spring than in winter. All the seeds that were planted in the heart of every Iranian, with hope and faith, have sprouted. Islamic Iranian culture and art have found their place in the new arena of technology and innovation actors. Culture and art are rich in the world. Cost is the best investment for him. The market of culture and art, which is based on original and indigenous creativity, is flourishing in our country. Comes to life. It has reached youngness. The multi-thousand-year-old civilization of this region, its cultural and spiritual resources, will be the greatest guarantor and supporter of its creative youth to achieve remarkable success.

But now that the ecology of innovation and technology is nearing maturity, an important behavior by its actors is essential. We must make the most of our cultural resources in our businesses and knowledge-based economy. The localization of technology and Iran-making must penetrate its contents inside and outside and show its Iranian appearance.

Everyone knows that the right way and the answer given by societies is that culture should ride on the economy. Those who preferred economics and adorned culture, went backward and often took back their words and returned to the right path, albeit at a great loss. We, whose cultural and artistic treasury is brilliant and impressive, can provide many prosperities with its support. This is not a slogan; it is a strategy that has been answered.

It is not bad to look at the issue of "creative economy" more seriously and in-depth. The experience of successful countries in this field can prevent us from reinventing the wheel. For example, European countries such as Australia or Japan, and South Korea are turning the subject of creative economics into school culture. From an early age, children are learning to be creative and innovative and to bring their creativity closer to the product. Therefore, the statistics that these countries have given from the output of their creative economic methods are impressive and commendable.

$ 2.7 trillion in turnover is recorded worldwide for the creative industries. The figure is not small. It is very much and thought-provoking. The share of our country's cultural and creative industries in this turnover is about $ 100 million a year. In fairness, it is very little. We should not be at this level, despite all this, and our support and background. When the creative economy, in addition to preserving the precious heritage and national unity, leads to painless and short-term employment and wealth creation, why should we not pay more attention to it? Now, the issue of exporting culture through creative economy products is also very attractive, which can make us more motivated to work more.

Accordingly, the formation of specialized accelerators in the field of the creative economy and cultural industries is one of the most important today. These accelerators can bring together startups and creative companies and take full advantage of our inexhaustible cultural and artistic treasures, as well as give the country lasting benefits. The formation of creative houses in several provinces has begun in recent years. A good and valuable move. But given the need to complete the creative economy ecosystem, every province should have these effective and lovable homes. Then, while forming the ecosystem of creative industries, this chain will be completed, and then it will offer various and significant products to the society, and then it will open its way beyond the borders.

There is the same importance of life for creative homes. Homes that have columns and places with the color and smell of innovation. Homes for the youth of this land where economic and social values can be seen. Supporting young entrepreneurs and start-ups by creating a space to exchange ideas is something that is done in these homes. With the development of these houses across the country, we are witnessing the branding, marketing, advertising, and expansion of creative products.

Resistance and knowledge-based economics, with the wings of creative economics and cultural industries, and with faith in being able, will open its way to heaven and Soraya. The light of the eyes waiting for the honorable people of Iran has illuminated the way for creative and knowledge-based companies to reach the peaks of pride. Always be bright.

* Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters

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