  • Feb 7 2019 - 16:18
  • 755
  • Study time : 3 minute(s)
Culture-building is to the Benefit of Made-in-Iran;

Changing the decision-making frameworks

Changing the decision-making frameworks

Today"s society varies a lot from the past. The pace of change is so great that it has not only differentiated us from the previous centuries, but has also distanced us from decades ago and even years ago. The astonishing access to information and news by people has changed their relationship with the government and their presence in the social realm is more impressive. Especially for the creation of culture, today we have tools and instruments that make things easy and provide the right conditions. Culture-building is nothing but a deliberate and purposeful attempt to change decision-making frameworks.

While the social media and the rapid and cheap access of people to the Internet and satellite is not without a risk and harm, however, people have been able to actively participate in political and social contexts and pursue their demands through new possibilities and communication technologies. This continued and active engagement with the government institutions has also had a positive impact on their motivation and energy to pursue their issues. With the help of this virtual world, we can create the necessary discourse, bring different strata to the field and bring the voice of the authorities to the people. In recent years, in political and social tests, users of the virtual world came to the forefront, leading important projects forward. If this extraordinary ability comes to other areas of life, it can shorten our path to the country"s high goals. For example, if we can discourse in the economic and scientific fields, we can overcome obstacles and make public participation to the highest degree possible. It is traditionally hard, sometimes inescapable and, in many cases costly, to bring together the various classes of people and explain and justify the necessity of bringing the knowledge-based economy to life. An easy example would be the promotion of concept of “Made in Iran”. If we want to use the traditional way of advertising, it takes years for not the general public, but the elites to call understand this important issue. However, if we are able to enter this issue into the cyberspace by the people, we can move very quickly and create a broad discourse of made in Iran. Not only made in Iran can be turned into a discourse, but it can be regarded a general and national demand by various strata at different levels. One step further and it can lay the foundation for cooperation of students. As mentioned before, the virtual world is not without a risk or harm. Nonetheless, the great powers and capacities of this world are so large that we cannot and should disregard them. On the contrary, we must have an active presence in this world and use it in a way that our goals could be met.

In the end, considering the concept of Made-in-Iran, culture-building principles and stages are reminded below. We hope that the audience of the journal think about them and use them in their works.

A) Producing proper and suitable content

B) Advertising and promotion policy and the use of the language of art and media

C) Building confidence and attracting the opinion of audiences

Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 42221


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