  • Oct 15 2015 - 16:44
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The way is clear

The way is clear

Parviz Karami

All administrative officials in Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and also many students and elites in BMN and young  managers of Knowledge-based companies in a meeting with the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran held yesterday ( last Wednesday) listened cordially to an immense, large and full–featured lecture, which showed the way ahead as usual.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution gave a fatherly lecture, in which he showed all aspects of compassion, responsibility, futuristic views and ideas, high impressions, dominance and guidance.

We all listened to his saying with all our heart and got ready for the bright future (to put it into the nutshell).

He is the great founder and pursuer of BMN and also the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in Iran, who has an accurate pervasive control over these institutes for ages with bright, flourishing outcome and results.

All Iranian people respect the Supreme Leader as the major national hero and pioneer in sciences and technology in Iran. A country that, according to international well-known reference observers, is galloping forward very fast but with a logical pace, having futuristic possible aims in mind, capturing numerous international scientific and technological scores.

The Supreme Leader also gave a brief account on young elites and experts in Iran and said in short but very strong sentences “Instead of putting yourself under foreign ill-tempered dominance, you have to be the correct founder of health in the country and try to guarantee the mastermind and major of foundation of your own society”. Now we people must listen to his words and sayings and everybody who cannot or do not like to obey HIM, next generation would blame and accuse him/her of the mistake.

Regarding current strong, excellent economic condition of the knowledge-based companies in the country with the support of each and every young elite and expert, the wise approach is to follow and help them and non-conformists do not have any other choice.

Another important item I should add here, is to establish “scientific associations and committees”  in all universities using high-educated academic staff as a necessary major step towards scientific achievements. This was supported by the Supreme Leader of the Revolution.

As a matter of fact, we should pay much attention to knowledge-based companies to improve our economy and finally reach the aims set by “Restrictive Economy” in our country, so that all financial economic problems can be solved this way.

All these companies are managed by elites, well-known experts, top university students, and graduates under the leadership of the Great Supreme Leader.

The motto of the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology of the President is “to support these companies”.

As the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Mr. Ayatollah Khameneii is actually a powerful, impressive mass media in country, region and all over the world, we always follow these great words and sayings to improve and propagate and expand knowledge-based economy and acquire great success with his good wishes for us.

In the end, we really thank mass media, journals and press agencies, especially IRIB, to propagate more and more news about our future achievements in this field.   


The Secretary for the Administration of Development of Culture, Science, Technology and Economy



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