Sattari at Ceremony of Signing Joint Memorandum between the Vice Presidency for Science Affairs and Teachers’ Basij Organization of the Country:
We Own the Greatest and Most Unique Innovation Environment in the Region
We Own the Greatest and Most Unique Innovation Environment in the Region

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, being on the verge of 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution Victory and at the ceremony of signing joint memorandum between the “Knowledge-based Economy Culture-making Headquarter of the vice presidency for science and technology affairs” and “the Teachers’ Basij Organization of the Country’, Soorena Sattari, presidency vice president for science and technology affairs emphasized on the importance of developing and upgrading the fundamentals of theorization in science and technology fields in the country and stated: The serious topic in relation created with the teachers’ basij organization of the country is employing and extending technological ideas in knowledge-based and academic fields. Fortunately, through occurrences of positive happenings and providing efficient models we have managed to provide a good base in turning knowledge to economy and in employing modern and technological ideas of the youth in order to develop the ecosystem of innovation and technology in the country.
Mentioning that oil-oriented economy is being discussed, Sattari stated: The ever issues about oil-oriented economy are definitely due to oil’s money as receiving easy money and entering it to the economy cause economic rent and countless problems.
Mentioning the cooperation made between the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and the teachers’ basij organization of the country, Sattari stated: Creating a suitable base for using modern ideas and active youth’s activity as well as injecting them to the economy is the very goal we seek.
He declared: Iran has the greatest start-up ecosystem in the region now and this ecosystem can play a powerful role in spreading Iran’s economic and cultural influence in the region.
The presidency vice president for science and technology affairs declared progress achieved in different fields such as Nano, bio technology, stem cells, and new ones such as space and machinery manufacturing and stated: Importing product line from other countries is not a knowledge-based system’s job, thus, we should be self-made and rely on ourselves in such fields. For instance, we need our manufacturing in machinery manufacturing industry and we shouldn’t be dependent on importing product line from other countries.
In another part of this meeting, Parviz Karami, consultant of the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs, emphasized on the criticality of entrepreneurship and technology ecosystem issue at the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and said: Basij is one place and base which can play a significant role in developing and advancing entrepreneurship and technology ecosystem as well as in the vice presidency for science and technology affairs and in general, in the country.
He stated: The noble and blessed organization of basij brings many fruits in cultural, social, jihad of construction and generally, in massive level for the country which finally, the government and the country are benefiting of these successes which can remove the available dead-ends.
Mentioning the signing of joint memorandum between the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and the teachers’ basij organization of the country, secretary of the knowledge-based economy culture-making headquarter declared the goals of the aforementioned memorandum and said: propagating and making the culture of knowledge-based economy as the infrastructure and concept of the resilient economy, narrating the conquests of science and technology jihad, helping the development and upgrade of modern technologies of the country and knowing about available gaps in the field of applicable researches related to the technologies needed by the country are some goals of this joint memorandum between the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and the teachers’ basij organization of the country.
He carried on: Reinforcing university’s relation to industry and elite centers in the vein of developing innovation and technology ecosystem, speech-making for the problem-oriented approach and problem-solving in demand-oriented researches as well as reinforcing the self-esteem and self-belief spirit in producing local science and technologies are some other goals of this joint memorandum.
Karami said at the end: With numerous graduates and students present at the teacher’s basij organization of the country we can have a special look at the culture-making and propagation fields.
The Vice Presidency for Science Affairs Being Pioneer in Endogenous Development
In another part of this meeting, stating that the vice presidency for science affairs is pioneer in being a sample of endogenous development and local knowledge, Seyyed Mojtaba Zareie, head of the teachers’ basij organization of the country said: Regarding the mission of the vice presidency for science affairs, we are observing a movement from oil-based development toward endogenous development and local knowledge.
Based on this report, the joint memorandum between the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and the teachers’ basij organization of the country has been signed with the aims of helping the development and upgrade of theorization fundamentals in science and technology fields inside and outside Iran and acquainting professors of universities and research centers of the country with the most advanced scientific and technological achievements in the vein of the approach of solving the country’s problem as well as paying attention to developing the culture of knowledge-based science, technology and economy in the country and also narrating the conquests of science and technology jihad originated from the Supreme Leader’s emphases.
This cooperation memorandum was signed between Parviz Karami, consultant of the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs and secretary of the knowledge-based economy culture-making headquarter of the vice presidency for science and technology affairs named from now on “vice presidency” and Jalil Dara, cultural and social deputy of the teachers’ basij organization of the country as the executer and representative of the teachers’ basij organization of the country called “organization” in the memorandum.
Moreover, a certificate of appreciation was bestowed to Soorena Sattari by the teachers’ basij organization of the country for the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs’ service in empowering the country and creating the knowledge and non-oil-based system in the country. It is written in a part of this certificate: “You are among concerned people about the necessity of passing the oil-oriented, Iran’s growth and development pattern, concentrating on producing human resources, and extending knowledge-based companies within the respected government board. Hence, the teachers’ basij organization of the country bestows you this certificate and spiritual fist on the behalf of all basiji teachers of the country to appreciate your effort and mental attempts in this field.”