The third round of national competition of warrior robots will be held in Iran
  • Jul 15 2018 - 14:57
  • 283
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
With the Support of the Knowledge-based Economy and Technology Development Headquarter;

The third round of national competition of warrior robots will be held in Iran

The third round of national competition of warrior robots will be held in Iran


The third round of national competition of warrior robots will be held in July 23rd-28th, 2018 in Iran with the support of knowledge-based economy and technology development headquarter and under the supervision of the general directorate of technical and professional education of Kerman Province.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, with regard to the increasing growth of robotics and electronics, in addition based on the society need for elite and talented individuals of the field, the secretary of holding the robotics competition of Kerman has aimed to hold the competition every year and in two stages to lay the groundwork for familiarization of school and university students with advanced skills by participating in this competition.

According to this report, the first and second rounds of the competition have been held. Now, the third round of the “Robo Skill” competition will be held under the supervision of the general directorate of technical and professional education of Kerman Province and with the cooperation of lavanrobotic education center and smart educational institute of Shahid Mahdavi of Kerman.

Media Coverage of the Competition by IRIB

The third round of the competition will be displayed on national television at the end of the summer.


Commercialization and publication of science and technology, learning skills by laying the groundwork for healthy competition, creating joy in a healthy environment and finding talented individuals in areas of advanced and new skills and gaining experience and being prepared for participation in higher competition level are among the goals of the competition.


  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 36004


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