Sending an Iranian commercial and technological delegation to South Africa
  • Nov 11 2018 - 14:16
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Will Occur by the Efforts of the International Science and Technology Center;

Sending an Iranian commercial and technological delegation to South Africa

Sending an Iranian commercial and technological delegation to South Africa


The international science and technology center has aimed to send a business and technology delegation encompassing Iranian knowledge-based companies to South of Africa.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, this program will be held December 9th-12th, 2018 in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and will include joint business meetings with African counterparts and attending the science meeting in South Africa and industrial and business visits.

The vice president for science and technology will attend the science meeting of South Africa and the bilateral negotiations between the two countries. Simultaneously, he will have a chance to attend the mentioned meeting and negotiate with African counterparts in the form of business and technology meetings for Iranian knowledge-based companies.

To register for event, the applicant companies must deposit one million rials to the account number expressed below until November 16th 2018 and deliver the receipt to the corridor of export development and technology exchange. All steps for obtaining tickets, visas, hotel reservations and coordination of the technology business meeting will be carried out by the aforementioned corridor.

Each company must announce at least two relevant companies in South Africa for the B2B meeting to expand the export and technology exchange until the November 21st 2018. The corridor is committed to coordinate the trips to companies that are finalizing their registration deadlines and subsequently have no obligation to sign up for a recent one. In addition, knowledge-based companies are prioritized in this call. The registration of technology companies and other companies is subject to the existence of surplus capacity.

After the registration deadline, the final selection of the companies will be done according to indicators such as export power, English documentation, and bilingual site. Therefore, registration and payment is not a final confirmation.

Knowledge-based companies applying for business attendance can register through the “cartable of companies and technologists” on the main webpage of the corridor of export development and technology exchange ( and select the “request for receiving support services” and require services for “sending and accepting the business delegation” and complete the relevant forms to announce their preparedness for attending the event.

In case of possible questions, you can contact the corridor of export development and technology exchange through phone numbers of +982163103114 and +982163103118.

The fourth round of the science conference of South Africa will be held in Pretoria during December 12th-14th, 2018. This program will be held for two and a half days and will host more than three thousand and five hundred participants, who will attend group meetings and interactive negotiations. 

For more information, you can refer to the website of

According to this call, the ministry of science and technology of South Africa, South African National Research Foundation and South African Academy of Sciences will host this program. In addition, the conference has aimed to act as a large, open and public transform for scientific topics and discussions and be regarded as an “Open Science” event.

The account number of Export Development and Technology Exchange Fund is as follows: 0222674440002 Melli Bank, Ghasr Branch, IDPay: IR840170000000222674440002. It is necessary to mention the name of the company in this receipt.


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  • News code : 39505


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