It is Anticipated that a Big Market Get Established in Brain Health Field Next Years
  • Jan 31 2016 - 16:17
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  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
Kharazi at the First Meeting of the Scientific Council of Brain and Recognition Center:

It is Anticipated that a Big Market Get Established in Brain Health Field Next Years

It is Anticipated that a Big Market Get Established in Brain Health Field Next Years

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, the first meeting of the scientific council of brain and recognition center was held with the aim of gathering and interaction of professors and experts of different fields of treatment for standardization and creation of treating-scientific protocols in the field of cognitive rehabilitation by inviting top professors of rehabilitation fields.

At the beginning of this meeting, Mohammad Taghi Joghataie the chief advisor of the cognitive sciences and technologies development headquarter of the vice presidency for science affairs in education affairs, introduced the brain and recognition center as a research-service center which has been established by the interaction of Iran University of Medical Sciences and the cognitive sciences institute and by the support of this headquarter.

Moreover, in the next section of this meeting, Kamal Kharazi, the president of the cognitive sciences and technologies development headquarter of the vice presidency for science affairs, by stating that currently huge investment has been made on the cognitive rehabilitation in the world, said: This issue is one of the requirement of the people’s lives in advanced countries and hence, dealing with it is very important. Moreover, it is anticipated that a big market get established in brain health field next years.


According to this report, the aim of establishment of the brain and recognition center is gathering and interaction of professors and experts of different fields of treatment for standardization and creation of treating-scientific protocols in the field of cognitive rehabilitation so that after getting approved in the ministry of health, be used as a tool in the people’s lives and after that this center can be used as a model for proliferation in other parts of the country so that in the entire country, brain and recognition centers get established.

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  • News code : 12217


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