Empowering of students in the field of creativity and idea making will be carried out.
  • Dec 30 2017 - 14:20
  • 415
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
With the Cooperation of the National Science Foundation;

Empowering of students in the field of creativity and idea making will be carried out.

Empowering of students in the field of creativity and idea making will be carried out.

The system for patent registration of students will be soon unveiled to realize the teaching of 1500 instructors and 100 thousand students in educational workshops through this system.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, an agreement was signed last year between Ali Zarafshan, deputy of secondary education, and Nosratollah Zargham, president of Iranian national science foundation to support students and student research centers.

Simple training of research method, support of collective studies, entrepreneurship and creativity and patent registration of students are some of the topics of this agreement. In addition, several meetings were held between the representatives of the two organizations to realize different topics and design a system for the mentioned activities.


Some of the goals of this system include education of idea making, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, encouraging students to do teamwork, simple education of research method, support of collective studies and patent registration of students to increase the power of risk-taking, self-confidence and freedom of students. This system will be soon unveiled as the patent registration system for students. It is also aimed to educate 1500 instructors and 100 thousand students in educational workshops through this system. 

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  • News code : 30294


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