Efflorescence of Marine Powers of the Country Needs Paying Attention to Young People’s Talents
  • Oct 31 2016 - 21:02
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Sattari Emphasized at the 12th Conference on Ports, Shores and Marine Structures;

Efflorescence of Marine Powers of the Country Needs Paying Attention to Young People’s Talents

Efflorescence of Marine Powers of the Country Needs Paying Attention to Young People’s Talents

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, at inauguration of the 12th conference on ports, shores and marine structures, Soorena Sattari- presidency vice president for science and technology affairs said that the young human force of our country is a valuable blessing which has the country develop in all fields.

He continued: This is while our country’s power in marine field is considerable like other technology fields and has serious things to say internationally.

Presidency vice president for science and technology affairs stated that the country’s power in this field can be flourished in the frame of infant knowledge-based companies and stated: Many technologist companies can take crucial steps in the marine field based on the innovative and creative ideas of young talented people of the country.

He stated that the marine monitoring and anticipating project of the country was one of the important and effective events realized in massive national projects.

Sattari continued: Connection of a researching and technological project with the industry’s need is an inevitable necessity and you can’t sew a dress that doesn’t fit the industry.

Head of the National Elites Foundation said that activity of more than technologist start-ups  promises a serious mutation in the knowledge-based economy field of the country.

He stated in the following: The talented and fantastic youths who works in these start-ups can bring serious mutations by forming huge projects if they are led correctly as some of these start-ups now experience a ten-fold growth every year whose number is not a few.

Presidency vice president for science and technology affairs said that the necessity of serious investment in knowledge-boundary researches, investors’ entrance to the technology field, developing risk-taker investment and connection of large companies with technologist companies are the fundamental requirements of knowledge-based economy’s development.

Stating that the vice presidency for science affairs’ supports of the knowledge boundary researches have been increased but there is gap to the 1.5 percent share of GDP, he said: We are in the world 9th rank from the perspective of publishing articles in the marine field but we have some weaknesses in the field of technology. Accordingly, the vice presidency for science affairs is fully ready to support technological and marine knowledge boundary projects and accelerate growth of knowledge-based companies of this field.

At the end, Sattari stated that inauguration of technological projects of the technology field was result of the true attitude of the academic talents’ power and creating a proper atmosphere for them and said:  The biggest support and services that can be provided to infant companies to have them grown is to prepare the proper ground of providing services and providing market to them.

By setting up this national massive project, buoys made by country’s technologists based on the domestic technology send geophysical information of water areas of the country form different point of Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea and researchers can use this information full time and online.


Moreover, the memorial stamp of this event was sealed and signed and Atlas of history of sailing ports of Iran was unveiled in association with the sailing and ports organization of the country and Tehran University which includes information of seas and ports of the country from the third millennium BC to 2011.

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  • News code : 18941


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