An Agreement Is Made to Boom the knowledge-based Ecosystem/ “Digital Economics Park” Will Be Established
  • Jun 8 2020 - 16:42
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An Agreement Is Made to Boom the knowledge-based Ecosystem/ “Digital Economics Park” Will Be Established

This morning, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, the minister of communication and information technology, signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a digital economics park to boom the knowledge-based ecosystem in Pardis Technology Park. In addition, a joint work space was opened during the ceremony.

During a ceremony to sign an agreement for the establishment of a digital economics park, Sattari considered the memorandum as the foundation for the development of digital business ecosystem, expressing: a foundation will be laid for knowledge-based businesses and startups in the field of digital economics, information and technology communication by allocating 30 hectares to Pardis Technology Park. This helps develop the ecosystem of the campus.

Establishing a 1000-hectare land will lead to the booming of the technological ecosystem. In this regard, Sattari explained: more than 11,000 billion Tomans have been sold in the companies of this ecosystem last year, and soon the program of 1000 hectares of campus and becoming a city of technology will be realized.

He mentioned: good things happen every day in this technology park, and the knowledge-based companies and startups in the park are constantly making new changes.

The vice president for science and technology affairs considered the booming of the knowledge-based ecosystem of the country as the result of the especial viewpoint of the Supreme Leader about the youth and knowledge-based economy and effective interactions between the government and other organizations. In this respect, he added: the all-round support of the President and members of the Cabinet has created a very good ecosystem for the prosperity of the student economy by launching technology parks, one of the most successful examples of which has been formed on campus.

Sattari regarded the development of cooperation with the communication and information technology ministry as an important step toward the flourishing of knowledge-based and startup businesses in digital economics and virtual space, asserting: I would like to thank the minister of communication and information technology for his cooperation in supporting startups and the digital economy. He has been involved in these programs and is a pioneer in the development of digital economics.

Sattari also expressed his hope about the continuation of cooperation and making great changes in digital economics.

“Digital economics park” is the sign of cooperation of the digital economics and knowledge-based ecosystem

Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, the minister of communication and information technology, explained about the flourishing of the digital economics and considered the agreement a new season of interactions between the Vice-Presidency and the ministry of communication and information technology, adding: the link made between the two organizations helps the development of knowledge-based economy and digital economics. Today, the interactions will be strengthened by signing the memorandum to develop the digital economic park.

He noted that cooperation to form a digital economy park is the most important symbol of the interaction between the Vice President for Science and Technology and the ministry of communications and information technology in the development of technology economy. In this regard, he continued: economies that can grow under sanctions will make significant strides. With the help of active and innovative youth in the field of digital economy and students, the economy of Iranian students is witnessing growth and development. We hope that this cooperation will lead to economic prosperity and further development of the country in these areas.

He also claimed: maximum pressure response is the leap of production in the country to make a significant leap in the economic sphere. A leap based on the youth and based on the declaration of the second step of the revolution.

According to Jahromi, the government's facilitator steps in both digital economics and knowledge-based economics have been highlighted by the president's emphasis and the efforts of the Vice-Presidency. In this respect, he declared: the establishment of technology parks, especially digital economy parks, is one of these activities, and the campus technology park is a clear example of the government's efforts in this regard.

Jahromi considered the interactions between the ministry of communication and information technology and the vice-Presidency as the pre-requisite for the booming of the digital economics, adding: it was decided to build a digital economy park in the new 30-hectare space of Pardis Technology Park. The park is the symbol of cooperation between knowledge-based economy and digital economy.

Startups and technology companies in this field are ready to work on the initial operation and we are trying to speed up the process of their presence in this field.

Establishing the largest database of national information network in Pardis Technology Park

Jahromi announced the formation of the largest database in Pardis Technology Park, adding: in addition to Pardis Technology Park, we have planned to open the largest database of the national information center, where Pardis Technology Park will be turned into the pole of data of the country.

According to Jahromi, the first phase of the database will be established in August 2020, which will provide the capacity for basic services of information network of the country.

Pointing out that the first step is providing necessary infrastructures and the second step is facilitating the situation for the youth and empowering them in the virtual space, adding: the next important step will be to create a market for these businesses, which I hope will be achieved with the cooperation of all agencies and the elimination of monopolies, so that young people can bring technology and strength to the country.

Jahromi appreciated the efforts made by Sattari, adding: the Vice-Presidency has greatly contributed to the development of knowledge-based economy, for which the knowledge-based economics ecosystem has been formed. I hope that with the cooperation between the ecosystem of knowledge-based economy and digital economy, the ground for progress and capability of the country will be provided.

An agreement to boom the digital economics ecosystem

According to the agreement, digital economics park will be established in a 30-hectare area in Pardis Technology Park to create a complex of technological and innovative units based on information technology and communication and digital economics and creating and expanding applied research equipment.

In addition, a strategic committee will be established to decide and cooperate in the implementation of the memorandum and will include two representatives of from the ministry and Vice-Presidency sides.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,Headquarters,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 68022

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