رونق تولید
Today : Saturday Dec 21 2024

The Permanent Rules of the National Development Plans of the Country

According to the permanent rules of the national development plans of the country, approved by the Islamic Consultative Assembly on January 29th, 2017, some issues related to the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs or the relevant mission areas are expressed below: The Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs is allowed to carry out three fundamental tasks: The comprehensive scientific map of the country and other related regulations in Chapter 5 of the country's comprehensive scientific plan devoted to the institutional framework of science, technology, and innovation has been designed, and the division of national labor in the system of science and technology has been carried out. As such, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs is one of the members of the steering committee for the implementation of the comprehensive scientific map of the country, which has been established to create executive policies, coordinate and increase integration in the execution of the mentioned roadmap. In terms of planning, implementation, and culture-building, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs is responsible for cooperation with the steering committee for the implementation of the comprehensive scientific map of the country in the process of implementation and culture-building of the roadmap in the framework of policies approved by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution. In addition, some issues related to their mission areas (e.g., knowledge-based companies) exist in this rule. In the section of favorable quantities of important science and technology indicators of the country, the number of knowledge-based companies is taken into consideration by policy-makers. In addition, other measures are presented below: 1. Organizing the standard science and technology system while maintaining the duties of planning and monitoring for the government and presenting laboratory services with the cooperation of the non-government section and indigenizing the standards and designing new standards with the cooperation of knowledge-based and scientific units 2. Establishing Fara Bourse market for knowledge-based companies and institutions and supporting their entrance into the stock exchange market 3. Promoting the culture of knowledge-based businesses and entrepreneurship and improving the scientific and technological abilities and skills of individuals while emphasizing the needs of the society and preparing for accepting occupational responsibilities 4. Explaining and promoting religious doctrines regarding the sanctity of knowledge-based businesses 5. More effective organizing and ranking of knowledge-based companies, scientific associations, and non-government research institutions and supporting the referral of work to them 6. Facilitating the stages of establishment and activity of knowledge-based companies, such as obtaining licenses and permits, import and export affairs, insurance and elimination of barriers to their establishment in cities 7. Helping the marketing, export and after-sale services of technological products of knowledge-based companies through organizing and guiding export incentives and supporting the formation of the advertising and marketing mechanism and development of trading and support intermediary companies 8. Creating the legal and incentive mechanisms for universities and research centers to sell achievements and create profits for universities, research centers, and researchers, such as supporting the formation of knowledge-based companies with the stock partnership of higher education and research institutions 9. Encouraging engineering graduates to create private and co-op knowledge-based companies in science parks and growth centers through providing special facilities

Approval Date : 2016/01/30

Approval Authority : Islamic Consultative Assembly


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