رونق تولید
Today : Saturday Dec 21 2024

Establishment & activity regulation for knowledge, industry & market coordination centers

This regulation has been approved by the Vice-President of Science and Technology and his managing of the Policy Council. The regulation of establishment and activities for the coordination centers for knowledge, industry, and market was adopted by the 30th meeting on 15/12/2013 in the steering council for the implementation of the comprehensive scientific plan of the country. " Article 3. to elaborate the policies for the activities of the centers, and the monitoring their good conduct, the " policy council " is established consists of the following members : 1. Vice President of Science and Technology ( Head of the Policy Council ) Article 5 - The deputy in the affairs of the centers and line with the policies adopted by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, is obliged to design the structure and mechanism of the organization to carry out the following duties: 6. Provide a detailed annual report on the activities and results of the activities and achievements of the centers to the policy and management council of the implementation of the comprehensive scientific plan of the country. Note 1 - The head of each center shall be appointed by the relevant constitution . Note 2 - The vice presidency is required to design and implement the necessary mechanisms to be responsive and to improve the activity of the centers as well as to measure the output of their activities.»

Approval Date : 1391/12/15

Approval Authority : Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution


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