About the Center
The law of “supporting knowledge-based institutions and companies and commercialization of innovations and inventions” defined by the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and approved by the Islamic consultative assembly in 2010, has been the beginning of the biggest program of the government to support knowledge-based companies and institutions in recent years. Various important subjects, including forming innovation funds and providing tax and customs exemptions to knowledge-based companies, have been approved by this law.
Following the issuance of the executive regulations of the law and pursuant to Article 3 of the regulation, “the working group of evaluation and verification of knowledge-based companies and institutions and supervision of implementation” was established in December 11th, 2019 by the order of the president and head of the Supreme Council for Science, Research and Technology (ATF). In addition, the vice president for science and technology affairs was appointed as the head of the working group.
However, the prerequisite for support of knowledge-based companies is the recognition of this type of enterprises. As such, the Vice-Presidency formed the working group of “evaluation and verification of knowledge-based companies and institutions and supervision of implementation”, the first mission of which was identifying knowledge-based institutions and companies and dedicating efforts to the implementation and activation of maximum capacities of the mentioned law.
Therefore, the executive procedures of the working group can be divided into two sections of “recognizing and evaluating companies” and “empowering and supporting the companies”.
The Vice Presidency of Science supports running
The key point of Hossein Afshin's speech at the first "Knowledge-Based Iran" summit was his firm statement of opposition to the equal distribution of support in the country. In explaining his position, he said: "We at the Vice Presidency of Science support "running," and our criteria are not time or place. Therefore, any province that has activities, ideas, and running will be included in our support list."
Supporting private sector program-based innovation factories
Hossein Afshin announced to the managers of innovation factories that innovation factories operated by the private sector will benefit from the support of the Vice Presidency of Science for Innovation Factories by presenting a transparent and executive plan.
The Vice Presidency of Science seeks to promote technology and create jobs with the Technological Postdoctorate plan
Hossein Afshin announced the Vice Presidency’s programs to promote technology and create job opportunities, and announced: "The "Technological Postdoctorate (TOP)" plan is designed to strengthen the connection between the university and industry and exploit the capabilities of the doctoral elite."
The energy transition depends on the interaction of technical and human sciences.
The Vice President of Science, in a speech at the 12th Conference on Scientific Progress and Development of the Country, said: "Our approach to facing problems is spotty and partial, unaware that the problems in our society are intertwined and intertwined, and our solution is to have an integrated and chained program. Therefore, along with technical issues, social, political, and economic discussions must also be seen."
The necessity of a sustainable economic model for the development of artificial intelligence
The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy emphasized at the first international conference on artificial intelligence and the PolTalk event: "The development of artificial intelligence must be achieved based on a sustainable economic model, and we must design the development path in such a way that investment in this field is attractive to the private sector
Priorities for the Third Round of the Next National Technology Award
Hossein Afshin, pointing out that in the second round of the Next National Technology Award, the Vice Presidency of Science has awarded more than 100 billion Tomans to selected knowledge-based companies in the form of grant support and facilities, stated: Advanced technologies in the fields of water, energy, environment, and agriculture will be the focus of the third round of the Next National Award next year, and the host of the next round will be selected based on the announcement of the call.