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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • Dec 14 2016 - 18:16
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Sattari at the exhibition of the achievements of Khatam Al-Anbiya construction headquarter;

knowledge-based companies will flourish through the joining with larger companies and their financial support.

knowledge-based companies will flourish through the joining with larger companies and their financial support.

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Soorena Sattari, the vice president of science and technology, stated in the exhibition of the achievements of Khatam Al-Anbiya construction headquarter that commercialization achievements by knowledge-based companies will occur through joining the greater companies in this field. He also added: today, there are more than 2800 powerful knowledge-based companies in various fields of engineering and a considerable a considerable number of these companies act in line with the activities of Khatam Al-Anbiya headquarter. However, the capabilities of knowledge-based companies will flourish through joining with greater companies.

Sattari pointed out the high capacity of the Khatam Al-Anbiya headquarter in empowering and financially supporting the technology companies in Iran, and asserted: the most important shortage of technology companies is lack of suitable financial support. Currently, there is no specific company in Iran to follow-up the financial problems of scientific projects. In this regard, Khatam Al Anbiya headquarter has good potentials and can take the responsibility of financially supporting technology companies.

According to the vice president of science and technology, providing a market for knowledge-based companies is one of the biggest challenges. Sattari mentioned that a cultural reform is needed to comprehensively reform and modify the economy of our country.

It was also affirmed that our country is able to train many graduates in the field of engineering along with the advanced countries. According to Sattari, Iran has ranked second in terms of the number of graduated engineering students. Meanwhile, we are always known to have the second-largest oil and gas reserves and there are equal number of engineers in our country compared to America.

According to the vice president of the board of trustees of innovation and development, creation of a sense of confidence and attention to the potentials and capabilities of educated young human resources of the country can be the foundation of the transformation of our economy.

He also added: there is no contract between the presidency science and technology headquarter and foreign countries. The vice president presented Basij as a practical example of a work in line with economic independence and resistive economy. According to Sattari, having mines of oil and gas, as well as valuable stones and metals is not a sign of progress today. The only importance factor in this regard is the knowledge behind the mining process.

After that, Sattari visited the achievements presented in this exhibition in the areas of oil and gas, civil projects and information and communication technology, along with Abdollah Abdollahi, Khatam Al-Anbiya construction base commander, Parviz Karami, secretary of presidential offices headquarter for developing culture of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, Mahmood Sheikh Zeinoddin, Deputy of Innovation and commercialization of vice-presidency for science and technology, and Ali Vatani, deputy of technology development of vice-presidency for science and technology.

Moreover, a cooperation agreement between the vice president of science and technology and Khatam Al-Anbiya headquarter was signed. According to this agreement, a joint working group will be formed from the research center, headquarter and department of science and technology for commercialization of ideas to discuss the mutual subjects in order to support the knowledge-based companies.

Implementation of this agreement will lead to better support of knowledge-based products and creation of added value in the high scientific technology. In addition, research results will be commercialized and there will be no need for foreign countries in some cases, which itself is one of the basic measures taken to achieve those matters issued by the resistive economy.


Providing a condition for take advantage of the ability of elites and producers of technological projects and use of the capacities of knowledge-based companies of our countries are some of the provisions of this agreement.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 20158


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