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The secretary was appointed for the artificial intelligence and robotics development headquarters

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy appointed the secretary for the artificial intelligence and robotics development headquarters.

Monitoring and identifying the capacities and challenges of technology development inside the country and its place in the future in interaction with various players in this field is one of the duties that Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, assigned to Rashad Hosseini as the Secretary for the artificial intelligence and robotics development headquarters.

Hosseini's appointment decree states: Based on his qualifications, expertise and experience, and upon the suggestion of the head of the Strategic Technologies Development Center, I hereby appoint him as the Secretary for the artificial intelligence and robotics development headquarters.

Considering the high goals of this deputy and the necessity of planning and development in improving the status of the country, special missions in interaction with the Strategic Technologies Development Center are expected from your Excellency.

According to this ruling, Rashad Hosseini has been given a mission to monitor and identify the capacities and challenges of technology development inside the country and its place in the future in interaction with various players in this field and by using the results of technology foresight studies with the aim of determining priorities the work of the headquarters and active participation in developing the technology development roadmap with the aim of improving all the functional aspects of the innovation and technology system.

Also, Hosseini has been required to prioritize the development of emerging and transformative technologies in order to meet the future needs of the country by making maximum use of all the internal capacity of the innovation ecosystem and considering the capacity of international technological cooperation.

Accelerating targeted support for the development of research infrastructure and development of priority technologies by identifying and networking laboratory infrastructure, building, supplying equipment and materials, and planning and implementing related measures to eliminate deficiencies and support acceleration programs; There are other duties assigned to the Secretary for the artificial intelligence and robotics development headquarters.

Hosseini's mission is to hold events and carry out effective promotion activities with the aim of building a network among the actors involved in this field and creating legitimacy in the policy-making institutions in order to adopt appropriate policies for the development of technology in the country and the promotion of the necessary human capacities and the correct use of the elites. scientific and technological leaders to develop priority technologies.

On the other hand, putting the market creation for prioritized products and technological achievements in the agenda according to the needs in different stages of development and maximum participation in the implementation of national and multi-field programs with the cooperation of other technology development headquarters are other tasks assigned to Hosseini.

Rashad Hosseini PhD in Computer Artificial Intelligence from Berlin University of Technology, in his career, he has managed an artificial intelligence team and developer in a traffic control system, managed an artificial intelligence team in automatic card reading, managed an artificial intelligence team in a police violation verification robot, managed an artificial intelligence team in software. Recognition of identity and awareness through faces, artificial intelligence team management in the development of image-to-text conversion tools for official letters, artificial intelligence team management in automatic estimation of car damage, artificial intelligence team management has registered a smart call center.

He has various basic projects and research grants, such as a grant from the Max Planck Institute, a grant from the National Elites Foundation, a research project from the Basic Knowledge Research Institute, a grant from the Science and Technology Park of Tehran University, a research project of the Iran Science Center, a research project of the Cognitive Sciences Headquarters, and He has also registered the application of the cognitive science headquarters in his name.

Hosseini received a scholarship from the Max Planck Institute to complete a doctoral course in this institute and won the first place in scientific competitions related to his field of work, such as the Kharazmi competition.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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