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Today : Friday Dec 27 2024
  • Apr 27 2020 - 16:53
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  • Study time : 4 minute(s)
President in a meeting with heads of academic associations:

Meeting the countrys needs to fight Coronavirus is a sign of scientific power to to achieve self-sufficiency and knowledgee-based economy

Meeting the countrys needs to fight Coronavirus is a sign of scientific power to achieve self-sufficiency and knowledgee-based economy

President stated that the government and people did a great job together in fighting coronavirus and stressed, "We must act in a way that in the post-coronavirus era, Iran"s position in the history becomes higher and its record is brighter in this fight, and this is possible through the attempts of our specialists and experts and people"s cooperation".

Speaking on Tuesday in a meeting with heads of academic associations, psychologists, sociologists and social activists, President Hassan Rouhani said, "We must not be careless, but undue apprehension and anxiety is worse than the virus itself and can destroy people"s life".

Stating that our society trusted its specialists and experts in fighting coronavirus, he said, "The economic and scientific sector worked well and acted successfully and it is very important that after a few weeks fighting coronavirus, we are announcing that we have the capacity to export healthcare products".

Parts of President"s speech is as follows:

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

I would like to thank intellectuals and managers of scientific associations, especially in the fields of sociology, psychology and culture and communications for their presence today.

In fighting coronavirus, as a very important issue that we are facing, it is very important for us to use the help of all those who should help the country, people and the government.

Iran"s conditions is very different from other countries, but we are facing a somewhat similar issue, which we had very little experience of.

We are a powerful nation and if we want to compare ourselves with other societies and nations, our society might have special problems that others don’t.

We have faced many problems in the past 42 years and we can say that we are a nation that has experienced different problems and issues affecting our entire society, families, cities and villages.

Take the revolution for example; it was a very important issue that affected our entire society and was a very important matter in our lifestyle and behaviour and the relations between the people and the system.

We have had a myriad of other issues in the past 40 years that have affected our entire society, not limited to a city or a village. Sanctions have affected our entire society and community.

Sanctions is not a simple matter, especially in the recent two years that people have been under very severe sanctions. If we want to compare the spread of coronavirus in Iran with other countries, the first thing is a country"s power and endurance towards it.

Coronavirus is an unknown enemy killing the weak, which ambushed the world and us in the dark. This not knowing doubles the problem and spreads fear and anxiety in the society.

Today, the whole world is facing something that even those who claim to have a lot of knowledge, that they have abundant hospital beds, have very good conditions in medicine, are in very good condition in reserves, and are united with other countries, are in trouble and confusion.

Now you consider that a country and a society facing sanctions, is alone, it has to stand on its own two feet, it knows it has no ally that helps it today, its ally is its own nation, and its solution is to strengthen its own society.

It is very important that trusted scientific centres and associations speak with people about fighting coronavirus.

The process of fighting coronavirus is a big historical test for the entire human society, including Iran. People trusted their officials and different sectors came to the stage. All businesses that could produce disinfectants or develop their production line or change it, did the same in a short time and you saw that our conditions improved.

The economic and scientific sector worked well and acted successfully and it is very important that after a few weeks fighting coronavirus, we are announcing that we have the capacity to export healthcare products

We must act in a way that in the post-coronavirus era, Iran"s position in the history becomes higher and its record is brighter in this fight, and this is possible through the attempts of our specialists and experts and people"s cooperation

We must not be careless, but undue apprehension and anxiety is worse than the virus itself and can destroy people"s life.

Peace be upon you and God"s mercy and blessings

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