Sattari 300000 direct jobs created country innovation ecosystem
  • Feb 2 2021 - 20:07
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The Vice President of Science and Technology attended a special news conference; Sattari: 300,000 direct jobs were created in the country's innovation ecosystem; Returning to the country, the elite started 285 startups

During the Fajr decade, the Vice President of Science and Technology appeared in a special news talk show and presented a report on the country's technological development.

Last night, Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, attended a special news talk show and avoided the process of forming a technology and innovation ecosystem in the country, calling the expansion of this ecosystem an attempt to meet the country's needs.

Added one million square meters to the innovation space

Noting that one million square meters have been added to the innovation space in the country, the Vice President for Science and Technology said: "These spaces have been created for the development of the technology and innovation ecosystem in the country and their focus is on the optimal use of specialized and knowledgeable manpower in the country."

 Sattari continued: 9 innovation factories have been established or are being set up in the country. Zero to one hundred of all these factories are formed with private sector investment. This means the desire of the private sector to invest in the technology and innovation ecosystem in the country. These factories are located in old and abandoned urban places.

 Significant growth of Iran in the field of biotechnology

The head of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters added: "Start-up businesses in the field of biotechnology have grown very well and we have seen examples of this in recent months." The formation and creation of new apps daily show the significant growth of startups in the country; This growth is more evident in the field of biotechnology than in other sectors.

Sattari also stated: The technology and innovation ecosystem proved its function to the society in the days of the corona outbreak. The days when all the needs of the country were met in a short time and we did not need to import the required equipment and medicines from other countries.

 Acceptance of innovation technology ecosystem by banks

Referring to the payment of a significant amount of bank loans to the country's knowledge-based companies, the Vice President stressed: "This shows that the country's traditional banking system has trusted the value and economic capacity of knowledge-based and creative companies." The result of these trusts has also led to the presence of more than 40 companies in the stock market with 240 thousand billion financial value.

 The return of more than 2,000 elites from the top 100 universities in the world

The head of the National Elites Foundation went on to say that Iran has an extraordinary workforce: "We do not know of a country in the world that has 4 million students and about 13 million educated people." Iran has extremely good conditions in terms of educated manpower.

Sattari continued: "The program of cooperation with international experts and entrepreneurs, which started 4 years ago in the Vice President for Science and Technology, has led to the return of more than 2,000 people to the country, ie about 650 people a year." Those who have aimed at influencing society and have achieved this goal in Iran by working in knowledge-based, creative, and technology companies.

 Expanding the power of Persian language software

The head of the culture and knowledge-based economy and the development of soft and creative industries Headquarters named Persian as one of the top 10 Internet languages and said: "Iran's software power has developed in the world." The production of Persian content in the world has a growing trend. We must make good use of this space.

 The difference between industry and factory management

He emphasized the difference between industry and factory management and said: "We should not call factory and assembly industry wrong." The industry is productive and we are the manufacturer and designer of devices and equipment with our native knowledge. Not just importers of machinery and production lines.

The Vice President of Science and Technology continued: "It is this industry that helped Iran to launch a mask production line within 25 days in the event of a corona." Something we did not have in the country before.

 The need to adopt an innovative economy by the traditional system

Sattari believes that industry is a competitor to factories, and as long as there is no pressure on factories, they will not try to change. Our traditional economic system must accept that the basis of development is creativity and innovation. That is, it makes product innovation valuable.

He did not consider imports in the field of food security desirable and added: "It is not significant that we have a significant number of imports in the field of food security every year; These imports include the meal, wheat, vaccines, etc. Of course, the scientific deputy has made good investments in the field of food security and the production of products related to this field.

 Provide 130 services to knowledge-based companies

Referring to the provision of 130 services to knowledge-based companies, the Vice President for Science and Technology said: "These services are in various areas of tax exemption, military, export, access to financial resources, insurance exemption, etc." All these services are a kind of railroad to facilitate the activities of these companies in the country.

Referring to his recent visit to Kenya, Sattari said: "We are pursuing the development of export markets for knowledge-based companies." A successful example was in Kenya. We turned the former State Department building, which was on the verge of demolition, into a permanent display of knowledge-based products, and the Iranian Innovation House was established in Kenya.

The head of the National Elite Foundation continued: "This center is a space to provide export services to knowledge-based people to develop their market in this country against economic competitors and to develop technological interactions between the two countries."

The need for the development of the humanities

The head of the culture and knowledge-based economy and the development of soft and creative industries headquarters, noting that the humanities have not yet found their main place in the country, said: "We are trying to develop these applied and important sciences in the country." For example, during our visit to Qom, we emphasized the development of this important section in cooperation with the seminary and the Islamic Propaganda Office.

Sattari also said that writing a book is good, But we must try to bring the humanities into people's lives. Accordingly, we support the activities of creative companies and launch creative homes throughout the country. This leads to the development of Iranian Islamic culture, and through this, cultural industries and soft technologies can be commercialized and find their way into the lives of the people of the society.

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Notes,Interview,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 72861

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