رونق تولید
Today : Friday Mar 14 2025
Knowledge-based Economy & Culture-building Technologies Development Headquarter
  • Address : No. 20, Ladan St., North Sheikh Bahaei Blvd., Molasadra Blvd., Vanak Sq., Tehran

  • Phone : 83532103

  • website : http://en.farhang.isti.ir/

Technology & Development Headquarters


Given the experiences of the country in the past decade and the slow process of entrance of knowledge-based culture and achievements into the economic area and presence of a distance between science, technology, and economy owners, experts believe that correcting the economic and scientific culture and attitude of the society is one of the necessary infrastructures and basic needs for the success of the country in the area of knowledge-based economy and achieving the goals of the government in the process of passing from oil-based economy to knowledge-based economy and realizing the economy of resistance. Therefore, with regard to the emphasis made by the Supreme Leader, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs aimed to establish a strategic headquarter known as the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter to explain the concepts of knowledge-based economy and science and technology discourse, understanding the opportunities created by new businesses and the entrepreneurship culture for the public. The headquarter follows the process of attracting resources for education and research to build the culture of wealth creation and solving the problems of the society by relying on innovation and new businesses and changing the public’s attitude toward passing from oil-based economy to knowledge-based economy. Some of the other goals of the headquarter include informing policy-makers about the necessities, achievements, and requirements to achieve knowledge-based economy, attracting participation and using the upstream units and synergy with government organizations. The headquarter has also aimed to encourage and direct the talented youth of Iran to enter the space of creativity, innovation and new businesses, attempting to make a change in the skills and entrepreneurial behavior, scientific and technological tours and empowering the society. Promotion and attraction of participation of economic activists in the field of the knowledge-based economy along with recognizing and guiding talents toward knowledge-based economy and technology are among the other objectives of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter. In addition, the headquarter has put various measures on its agenda, including the maximum use of all media capacity, providing counseling through technological capacities, empowering through presenting in-person and electronic education, facilitating processes, holding exhibitions and provincial and national festivals and scientific and technological tours.


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