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Zanjan Health Science and Technology Innovation and Ideation Center will be inaugurated

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, arrived in Zanjan with the welcome of the governor. The Center for Innovation and Ideation of Health Science and Technology in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences will be inaugurated during his visit.

In the first part of this trip, Sattari goes to Khorramdareh industrial town and visits the achievements of Yasin Shimi Phoenix technology companies and Mohandesan Payesh Vazyat Amirkabir (Miva). After that, the Center for Innovation and Ideation of Health Science and Technology in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences will be inaugurated by the Vice President of Science and Technology.

Visiting Zanjan University is the next plan for the Vice President of Science and Technology. In this center, Sattari visits the progress of the technology complex project, the innovation center project and the joint workspace, the technology products exhibition of the growth center, and the engineering design workshops and prototyping services.

Also, with his presence, the virology laboratory and the park analysis laboratory of Zanjan University of Basic Sciences will be opened. The laboratory is equipped with the support of the Vice President of Science and Technology and is currently equipped with advanced devices in this field. The opening of this center should be considered as a step to detect various viruses. Also, in Zanjan University of Basic Sciences, Sattari visits the companies located in the building of the Center for the Development of Modern Sciences, about 7 companies are located in this center. In additon, visiting the exhibition of new products of technology and knowledge-based companies of Science and Technology Park of Zanjan University of Basic Sciences are other plans of the trip.

Also, in another part of the trip, the province's science and technology park will host the vice president of science and technology. 8 technological products will be unveiled in this park. The largest polymer concrete tank, mobile cardiopulmonary resuscitation device, heat exchanger system used in acid industry (upgrading sulfuric acid production technology), composite rigs, chip sealer machine (used in asphalt industry), RCCP concrete, toothpaste pills and Olive machine are among these products.

Report by the Communication and Information Center for the Vice President of Science and Technology


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 70265

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