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by the decree of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy;

The secretary was appointed for the knowledge-based economy development of medicinal plants and traditional medicine headquarters

The secretary was appointed for the knowledge-based economy development of medicinal plants and traditional medicine headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.

Dr. Mohammad Reza Shams Ardakani was appointed as the Secretary of secretary for the knowledge-based economy development of medicinal plants and traditional medicine headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.

The text of this ruling is as follows:

"According to the level of competence and experience, according to this decree, I appoint your excellency as the secretary for the development of the knowledge-based economy of medicinal plants and traditional medicine headquarters.

Considering the high goals of this headquarters and the need for planning and transformation to improve the status of the country, the following assigned missions in interaction with the headquarters for the development of knowledge-based economy are expected from your Excellency:

Playing a maximum role in the development of the ecosystem of innovation, technology and the development of the knowledge-based market in the field of medicinal plants and traditional medicine by completing the value chain and emphasizing the participation of different scientific streams based on upstream documents, forming specialized consortia to optimize and diversify the portfolio of medicinal plants and the traditional medicine of the country and the implementation of economic and strategic projects in this field by using the capacity of knowledge-based and technological companies and the cooperation of the steering center of the special headquarters for the development of the knowledge-based economy, creating at least 5 specialized industrial consortia with the creation of a top brand on the scale of 100 best companies in this field with the leadership capacity of small and medium-sized knowledge-based and technological companies and the possibility of developing the necessary infrastructure for international competition; Presenting a development program for economy-oriented cooperation in the field of medicinal plants and traditional medicine with all related government agencies and organizations and private sector actors with a long-term view and creating high added value in the maximum utilization of existing capacity and infrastructure; Promoting the participation and cooperation of elites in identifying and solving issues and problems in the field of medicinal plants and traditional medicine with the close cooperation of other governmental and private decision-making and executive bodies; Paying serious attention to the influence of transformative technologies in the field of medicinal plants with a special focus on purification refineries and the production of secondary metabolites of medicinal plants; Support the development of national, educational, research and treatment centers of traditional medicine with inter-institutional coordination. I ask God Almighty to continue your success in following the wise instructions of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the policies of the people's government.

It should be mentioned that Mohammad Reza Shams Ardakani is a general doctor of pharmacy from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and specialized doctor of pharmacy from Bradford University, England, and is currently a full professor at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

As the most important activities in his career, it can be mentioned: the establishment of the first traditional medicine faculty in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, the head of the General Directorate of Iranian Medicine and the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, the secretary of the Health and Medicine Commission of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, the vice president of food and drugs in Tehran University of Medical Sciences and authored numerous books in the field of traditional medicine, medicinal plants and natural medicines and conducted many researches in this field.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90713

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